

utilityProcess 使用 Node.js 和 Message 端口创建了一个子进程。 它提供一个相当于 Node.js 的 child_process.fork API,但使用 Chromium 的 Services API 代替来执行子进程。

Process: Main


utilityProcess.fork(modulePath[, args][, options])

  • modulePath string - 作为子进程执行入口的脚本文件路径。
  • args string[] (可选) - 字符串参数列表,在子进程中可以使用 process.argv
  • options Object (可选)
    • env Object (可选) - 环境变量 key-value 键值对。 默认值为 process.env.
    • execArgv string[] (可选) - 传递给执行文件的字符串参数列表。
    • cwd string (可选) - 子进程的工作目录。
    • stdio (string[] | string) (可能) - 允许配置子进程的 stdoutstderr 的模式。 默认值为 inherit. 字符串的值可以是 pipeignoreinherit 期中的一个,更多详细信息,可以参考 Node.js 的 stdio 文档。 当前此选项仅支持 stdoutstderr 配置为 pipeinheritignore。 Configuring stdin to any property other than ignore is not supported and will result in an error. 例如,支持的值将被处理如下:
      • pipe: equivalent to ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe']
      • ignore: equivalent to ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']
      • inherit: equivalent to ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'] (the default)
    • serviceName string (optional) - Name of the process that will appear in name property of ProcessMetric returned by app.getAppMetrics and child-process-gone event of app. 默认值为 Node Utility Process.
    • allowLoadingUnsignedLibraries boolean (可选) macOS - 使用这个标记,在 macOS 中执行 utility process 将通过 Electron Helper (Plugin).app 助手,它可以被 com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validationcom.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory 权限签名。 将允许 utility process 加载未签名的库。 除非您特别需要这种能力,否则最好保留这个禁用。 默认值为 false.
    • respondToAuthRequestsFromMainProcess boolean (optional) - With this flag, all HTTP 401 and 407 network requests created via the net module will allow responding to them via the app#login event in the main process instead of the default login event on the ClientRequest object. 默认值为 false

Returns UtilityProcess

Class: UtilityProcess

UtilityProcess 的实例代表 Chromium 派生子进程与 Node.js 的结合。

UtilityProcess 是一个 EventEmitter


child.postMessage(message, [transfer])

  • message any
  • transfer MessagePortMain[] (可选)

Send a message to the child process, optionally transferring ownership of zero or more MessagePortMain objects.


// Main process
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
child.postMessage({ message: 'hello' }, [port1])

// Child process
process.parentPort.once('message', (e) => {
const [port] = e.ports
// ...


返回 boolean

优雅的终于进程。 在 POSIX,使用 SIGTERM,为确保进程在退出时可以收到。 如果终止成功,这个方法返回 true,否则则返回 false。



一个 Integer | undefined 代表子进程的进程 ID (PID) 。 Until the child process has spawned successfully, the value is undefined. 当子进程退出,在 exit 事件处罚之后,值为 undefined

const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))

console.log(child.pid) // undefined

child.on('spawn', () => {
console.log(child.pid) // Integer

child.on('exit', () => {
console.log(child.pid) // undefined

Note: You can use the pid to determine if the process is currently running.


一个 NodeJS.ReadableStream | null 代表子进程的 stdout 。 If the child was spawned with options.stdio[1] set to anything other than 'pipe', then this will be null. 当子进程退出,在 exit 事件处罚之后,值为 null

// Main process
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`Received chunk ${data}`)


A NodeJS.ReadableStream | null 代表子进程的 stderr 。 If the child was spawned with options.stdio[2] set to anything other than 'pipe', then this will be null. 当子进程退出,在 exit 事件处罚之后,值为 null


Event: 'spawn'


Event: 'error' Experimental


  • type string - Type of error. 以下值之一:
    • FatalError
  • location string - Source location from where the error originated.
  • report string - Node.js diagnostic report.

Emitted when the child process needs to terminate due to non continuable error from V8.

No matter if you listen to the error event, the exit event will be emitted after the child process terminates.

Event: 'exit'


  • code number - Contains the exit code for the process obtained from waitpid on POSIX, or GetExitCodeProcess on Windows.


Event: 'message'


  • message any

Emitted when the child process sends a message using process.parentPort.postMessage().