
IpcMainEvent Object extends Event

  • type String - Possible values include frame
  • processId Integer - 发送该消息的渲染进程内部的ID
  • frameId Integer - 发送该消息的渲染进程框架的ID(可能是iframe)
  • returnValue any - 如果对此赋值,则该值会在同步消息中返回
  • sender WebContents - Returns the webContents that sent the message
  • senderFrame WebFrameMain | null Readonly - The frame that sent this message. May be null if accessed after the frame has either navigated or been destroyed.
  • ports MessagePortMain[] - A list of MessagePorts that were transferred with this message
  • reply Function - 将 IPC 消息发送到渲染器框架的函数,该渲染器框架发送当前正在处理的原始消息。 您应该使用“reply”方法回复发送的消息,以确保回复将转到正确的进程和框架。
    • channel string
    • ...args any[]