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The Electron project will pause for the month of December 2023, then return to full speed in January 2024.
- 必要时将发布零日和其他与安全相关的主版本。 Security incidents should be reported via SECURITY.md.
- Code of Conduct reports and moderation will continue.
- Electron 28.0.0 将于12月5日发布。 Electron 28之后,12月份将不再发布新的稳定版本。
- 12 月的最后两周没有 Nightly 和 Alpha 版本。
- 除了少数例外,不会合并请求的审核或合并。
- 任何仓库上都不会有问题跟进更新。
- 维护人员不会提供 Discord 调试帮助。
- 社交媒体暂停更新内容。
Going forward
This is our third year running our quiet period experiment, and we've had a lot of success so far in balancing a month of rest with maintaining our normal release cadence afterwards. Therefore, we've decided to make this a regular part of our release calendar going forward. We'll still be putting a reminder into the last stable release of every calendar year.
See you all in 2024!