Руководство по стилю документации Electron
Это руководство для написания Electron документации.
- Each page must have a single
-level title at the top. - Chapters in the same page must have
-level headings. - Sub-chapters need to increase the number of
in the heading according to their nesting depth. - The page's title must follow APA title case.
- All chapters must follow APA sentence case.
Using Quick Start
as example:
# Быстрый старт (Quick Start)
## Главный процесс (Main process)
## Процесс отображения (Renderer process)
## Запуск вашего приложения (Run your app)
### Запуск в качестве дистрибутива (Run as a distribution)
### Ручная загрузка бинарных файлов Electron
Для ссылок на API есть исключения из этого правила.
Markdown правила
This repository uses the markdownlint
package to enforce consistent
Markdown styling. For the exact rules, see the .markdownlint.json
file in the root
Есть несколько руководств по стилю, которые не охватываются правилами линтера:
- Use
instead ofcmd
in code blocks (due to the syntax highlighter). - Keep line lengths between 80 and 100 characters if possible for readability purposes.
- Не делать вложенные списки более чем 2 уровня (из-за markdown отображения).
- All
code blocks are linted with standard-markdown. - Для неупорядоченных списков используйте звёздочки вместо тире.
Выбор слов
- Используйте "будет" вместо "был бы" при описании результатов.
- Предпочитайте "в ___ процессе" чем "в".
Справочник по API
Следующие правила применяются только к документации по API.
Заголовок и описание
Each module's API doc must use the actual object name returned by require('electron')
as its title (such as BrowserWindow
, autoUpdater
, and session
Под заголовком страницы добавьте однострочное описание модуля
в виде цитаты markdown (начиная с >
Using the session
module as an example:
# session
> Manage browser sessions, cookies, cache, proxy settings, etc.
Методы и события модуля
For modules that are not classes, their methods and events must be listed under
the ## Methods
and ## Events
Using autoUpdater
as an example:
# autoUpdater
## События
### Событие: 'error'
## Методы
### `autoUpdater.setFeedURL(url[, requestHeaders])`
- API classes or classes that are part of modules must be listed under a
## Class: TheClassName
chapter. - Одна страница может иметь несколько классов.
- Constructors must be listed with
-level headings. - Static Methods
must be listed under a
### Static Methods
chapter. - Instance Methods
must be listed under an
### Instance Methods
chapter. - All methods that have a return value must start their description with
- [Return description]"- If the method returns an
, its structure can be specified using a colon followed by a newline then an unordered list of properties in the same style as function parameters.
- If the method returns an
- Instance Events must be listed under an
### Instance Events
chapter. - Instance Properties must be listed under an
### Instance Properties
chapter.- Instance Properties must start with "A [Property Type] ..."
Using the Session
and Cookies
classes as an example:
# session
## Методы
### session.fromPartition(partition)
## Статические свойства
### session.defaultSession
## Class: Session
### События экземпляра
#### Event: 'will-download'
### Методы экземпляра
#### `ses.getCacheSize()`
### Свойства экземпляра
#### `ses.cookies`
## Class: Cookies
### Методы экземпляра
#### `cookies.get(filter, callback)`
Методы и их аргументы
Методы главы должны быть в следующем виде:
### `objectName.methodName(required[, optional]))`
* `required` string - A parameter description.
* `optional` Integer (optional) - Another parameter description.
Уровень заголовка
The heading can be ###
or ####
-levels depending on whether the method
belongs to a module or a class.
Подпись функции
For modules, the objectName
is the module's name. For classes, it must be the
name of the instance of the class, and must not be the same as the module's
For example, the methods of the Session
class under the session
module must
use ses
as the objectName
Optional arguments are notated by square brackets []
surrounding the optional
argument as well as the comma required if this optional argument follows another
required[, optional]
Описания аргументов
More detailed information on each of the arguments is noted in an unordered list
below the method. The type of argument is notated by either JavaScript primitives
(e.g. string
, Promise
, or Object
), a custom API structure like Electron's
Cookie, or the wildcard any
If the argument is of type Array
, use []
shorthand with the type of value
inside the array (for example,any[]
or string[]
If the argument is of type Promise
, parametrize the type with what the promise
resolves to (for example, Promise<void>
or Promise<string>
If an argument can be of multiple types, separate the types with |
The description for Function
type arguments should make it clear how it may be
called and list the types of the parameters that will be passed to it.
Функциональность, зависящая от платформы
Если аргумент или метод является уникальным для определенных платформ, эти платформы обозначаются списком, разделенных пробелами, после типа данных. Values
can be macOS
, Windows
or Linux
* `animate` boolean (optional) _macOS_ _Windows_ - Animate the thing.
Глава события должна быть в следующем виде:
### Event: 'wake-up'
* `time` string
The heading can be ###
or ####
-levels depending on whether the event
belongs to a module or a class.
Аргументы события следуют тем же правилам методов.
Глава свойства должна быть в следующем виде:
### session.defaultSession
The heading can be ###
or ####
-levels depending on whether the property
belongs to a module or a class.
История API
An "API History" block is a YAML code block encapsulated by an HTML comment that should be placed directly after the Markdown header for a class or method, like so:
#### `win.setTrafficLightPosition(position)` _macOS_
```YAML history
- pr-url: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/22533
- pr-url: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/26789
description: "Made `trafficLightPosition` option work for `customButtonOnHover` window."
- pr-url: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/37094
breaking-changes-header: deprecated-browserwindowsettrafficlightpositionposition
* `position` [Point](structures/point.md)
Set a custom position for the traffic light buttons. Can only be used with `titleBarStyle` set to `hidden`.
It should adhere to the API History JSON Schema
) which you can find in the docs
The API History Schema RFC includes example usage and detailed
explanations for each aspect of the schema.
The purpose of the API History block is to describe when/where/how/why an API was:
- Added
- Changed (usually breaking changes)
- Deprecated
Each API change listed in the block should include a link to the PR where that change was made along with an optional short description of the change. If applicable, include the heading id for that change from the breaking changes documentation.
The API History linting script (lint:api-history
validates API History blocks in the Electron documentation against the schema and
performs some other checks. You can look at its tests for more
There are a few style guidelines that aren't covered by the linting script:
Always adhere to this format:
API HEADER | #### win.flashFrame(flag)
- Use two spaces for indentation.
- Do not use comments.
- Always wrap descriptions with double quotation marks (i.e. "example").
- Describe the change in a way relevant to app developers and make it
capitalized, punctuated, and past tense.
- Refer to Clerk for examples.
- Keep descriptions concise.
- Ideally, a description will match its corresponding header in the breaking changes document.
- Favor using the release notes from the associated PR whenever possible.
- Developers can always view the breaking changes document or linked pull request for more details.
Generally, you should place the API History block directly after the Markdown header for a class or method that was changed. However, there are some instances where this is ambiguous:
Chromium bump
Sometimes a breaking change doesn't relate to any of the existing APIs. In this case, it is ok not to add API History anywhere.
Change affecting multiple APIs
Sometimes a breaking change involves multiple APIs. In this case, place the API History block under the top-level Markdown header for each of the involved APIs.
# contextBridge
```YAML history
- pr-url: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/40330
description: "`ipcRenderer` can no longer be sent over the `contextBridge`"
breaking-changes-header: behavior-changed-ipcrenderer-can-no-longer-be-sent-over-the-contextbridge
> Create a safe, bi-directional, synchronous bridge across isolated contexts
# ipcRenderer
```YAML history
- pr-url: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/40330
description: "`ipcRenderer` can no longer be sent over the `contextBridge`"
breaking-changes-header: behavior-changed-ipcrenderer-can-no-longer-be-sent-over-the-contextbridge
Process: [Renderer](../glossary.md#renderer-process)
Notice how an API History block wasn't added under:
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld(apiKey, api)
since that function wasn't changed, only how it may be used:
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('app', {
- ipcRenderer,
+ onEvent: (cb) => ipcRenderer.on('foo', (e, ...args) => cb(args))
Переводы документации
See electron/i18n