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Критические изменения

Breaking changes will be documented here, and deprecation warnings added to JS code where possible, at least one major version before the change is made.

Типы критических изменений

В этом документе используется следующее соглашение для классификации критических изменений:

  • Изменение API: API был изменен таким образом, что код, который не был обновлен, гарантировано бросит исключение.
  • Изменение поведения: Поведение Electron было изменено, но не обязательно появление исключений.
  • Изменено значение по-умолчанию: Код, работа которого зависит от старого значения по-умолчанию, может сломаться, не обязательно кидая исключение. Старое поведение можно восстановить, если явно указать значение.
  • Устарело: API был помечен как устаревший. API продолжит функционировать, но будет появляться предупреждающее сообщение о том, что API будет удален в будущем релизе.
  • Удалено: API или функция была удалена и больше не поддерживается Electron.

Запланированные критические изменения API (35.0)

Behavior Changed: Dialog API's defaultPath option on Linux

On Linux, the required portal version for file dialogs has been reverted to 3 from 4. Using the defaultPath option of the Dialog API is not supported when using portal file chooser dialogs unless the portal backend is version 4 or higher. The --xdg-portal-required-version command-line switch can be used to force a required version for your application. See #44426 for more details.

Deprecated: setPreloads, getPreloads on Session

registerPreloadScript, unregisterPreloadScript, and getPreloadScripts are introduced as a replacement for the deprecated methods. These new APIs allow third-party libraries to register preload scripts without replacing existing scripts. Also, the new type option allows for additional preload targets beyond frame.

// Deprecated
session.setPreloads([path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')])

// Replace with:
type: 'frame',
id: 'app-preload',
filePath: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')

Deprecated: getFromVersionID on session.serviceWorkers

The session.serviceWorkers.fromVersionID(versionId) API has been deprecated in favor of session.serviceWorkers.getInfoFromVersionID(versionId). This was changed to make it more clear which object is returned with the introduction of the session.serviceWorkers.getWorkerFromVersionID(versionId) API.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

Deprecated: level, message, line, and sourceId arguments in console-message event on WebContents

The console-message event on WebContents has been updated to provide details on the Event argument.

// Deprecated
webContents.on('console-message', (event, level, message, line, sourceId) => {})

// Replace with:
webContents.on('console-message', ({ level, message, lineNumber, sourceId, frame }) => {})

Additionally, level is now a string with possible values of info, warning, error, and debug.

Behavior Changed: urls property of WebRequestFilter.

Previously, an empty urls array was interpreted as including all URLs. To explicitly include all URLs, developers should now use the <all_urls> pattern, which is a designated URL pattern that matches every possible URL. This change clarifies the intent and ensures more predictable behavior.

// Deprecated
const deprecatedFilter = {
urls: []

// Replace with
const newFilter = {
urls: ['<all_urls>']

Устарело: systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()

The systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() function has been deprecated without replacement. It has been always returning true since Electron 23, which only supports Windows 10+, where DWM composition can no longer be disabled.


Запланированные критические изменения API (34.0)

Behavior Changed: menu bar will be hidden during fullscreen on Windows

This brings the behavior to parity with Linux. Prior behavior: Menu bar is still visible during fullscreen on Windows. New behavior: Menu bar is hidden during fullscreen on Windows.

Correction: This was previously listed as a breaking change in Electron 33, but was first released in Electron 34.

Запланированные критические изменения API (33.0)

Устарело: document.execCommand("paste")

The synchronous clipboard read API document.execCommand("paste") has been deprecated in favor of async clipboard API. This is to align with the browser defaults.

The enableDeprecatedPaste option on WebPreferences that triggers the permission checks for this API and the associated permission type deprecated-sync-clipboard-read are also deprecated.

Behavior Changed: frame properties may retrieve detached WebFrameMain instances or none at all

APIs which provide access to a WebFrameMain instance may return an instance with frame.detached set to true, or possibly return null.

When a frame performs a cross-origin navigation, it enters into a detached state in which it's no longer attached to the page. In this state, it may be running unload handlers prior to being deleted. In the event of an IPC sent during this state, frame.detached will be set to true with the frame being destroyed shortly thereafter.

When receiving an event, it's important to access WebFrameMain properties immediately upon being received. Otherwise, it's not guaranteed to point to the same webpage as when received. To avoid misaligned expectations, Electron will return null in the case of late access where the webpage has changed.

ipcMain.on('unload-event', (event) => {
event.senderFrame // ✅ accessed immediately

ipcMain.on('unload-event', async (event) => {
await crossOriginNavigationPromise
event.senderFrame // ❌ returns `null` due to late access

Behavior Changed: custom protocol URL handling on Windows

Due to changes made in Chromium to support Non-Special Scheme URLs, custom protocol URLs that use Windows file paths will no longer work correctly with the deprecated protocol.registerFileProtocol and the baseURLForDataURL property on BrowserWindow.loadURL, WebContents.loadURL, and <webview>.loadURL. protocol.handle will also not work with these types of URLs but this is not a change since it has always worked that way.

// No longer works
protocol.registerFileProtocol('other', () => {
callback({ filePath: '/path/to/my/file' })

const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow()
mainWindow.loadURL('data:text/html,<script src="loaded-from-dataurl.js"></script>', { baseURLForDataURL: 'other://C:\\myapp' })

// Replace with
const path = require('node:path')
const nodeUrl = require('node:url')
protocol.handle(other, (req) => {
const srcPath = 'C:\\myapp\\'
const reqURL = new URL(req.url)
return net.fetch(nodeUrl.pathToFileURL(path.join(srcPath, reqURL.pathname)).toString())

mainWindow.loadURL('data:text/html,<script src="loaded-from-dataurl.js"></script>', { baseURLForDataURL: 'other://' })

Behavior Changed: webContents property on login on app

The webContents property in the login event from app will be null when the event is triggered for requests from the utility process created with respondToAuthRequestsFromMainProcess option.

Deprecated: textured option in BrowserWindowConstructorOption.type

The textured option of type in BrowserWindowConstructorOptions has been deprecated with no replacement. This option relied on the NSWindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground style mask on macOS, which has been deprecated with no alternative.

Removed: macOS 10.15 support

macOS 10.15 (Catalina) is no longer supported by Chromium.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on Catalina, but macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later will be required to run Electron v33.0.0 and higher.

Behavior Changed: Native modules now require C++20

Due to changes made upstream, both V8 and Node.js now require C++20 as a minimum version. Developers using native node modules should build their modules with --std=c++20 rather than --std=c++17. Images using gcc9 or lower may need to update to gcc10 in order to compile. See #43555 for more details.

Deprecated: systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency

The systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency property is now deprecated in favor of the new nativeTheme.prefersReducedTransparency, which provides identical information and works cross-platform.

// Deprecated
const shouldReduceTransparency = systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency

// Replace with:
const prefersReducedTransparency = nativeTheme.prefersReducedTransparency

Запланированные критические изменения API (32.0)

Removed: File.path

The nonstandard path property of the Web File object was added in an early version of Electron as a convenience method for working with native files when doing everything in the renderer was more common. However, it represents a deviation from the standard and poses a minor security risk as well, so beginning in Electron 32.0 it has been removed in favor of the webUtils.getPathForFile method.

// Before (renderer)

const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files[0]
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${file.path}`)
// After (renderer)

const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files[0]

// (preload)
const { contextBridge, webUtils } = require('electron')

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
showFilePath (file) {
// It's best not to expose the full file path to the web content if
// possible.
const path = webUtils.getPathForFile(file)
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${path}`)

Deprecated: clearHistory, canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, goToIndex, canGoToOffset, goToOffset on WebContents

The navigation-related APIs are now deprecated.

These APIs have been moved to the navigationHistory property of WebContents to provide a more structured and intuitive interface for managing navigation history.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

Behavior changed: Directory databases in userData will be deleted

If you have a directory called databases in the directory returned by app.getPath('userData'), it will be deleted when Electron 32 is first run. The databases directory was used by WebSQL, which was removed in Electron 31. Chromium now performs a cleanup that deletes this directory. See issue #45396.

Запланированные критические изменения API (31.0)

Removed: WebSQL support

Chromium has removed support for WebSQL upstream, transitioning it to Android only. See Chromium's intent to remove discussion for more information.

Behavior Changed: nativeImage.toDataURL will preserve PNG colorspace

PNG decoder implementation has been changed to preserve colorspace data, the encoded data returned from this function now matches it.

See crbug.com/332584706 for more information.

Behavior Changed: window.flashFrame(bool) will flash dock icon continuously on macOS

This brings the behavior to parity with Windows and Linux. Prior behavior: The first flashFrame(true) bounces the dock icon only once (using the NSInformationalRequest level) and flashFrame(false) does nothing. New behavior: Flash continuously until flashFrame(false) is called. This uses the NSCriticalRequest level instead. To explicitly use NSInformationalRequest to cause a single dock icon bounce, it is still possible to use dock.bounce('informational').

Запланированные критические изменения API (30.0)

Behavior Changed: cross-origin iframes now use Permission Policy to access features

Cross-origin iframes must now specify features available to a given iframe via the allow attribute in order to access them.

See documentation for more information.

Removed: The --disable-color-correct-rendering switch

This switch was never formally documented but it's removal is being noted here regardless. Chromium itself now has better support for color spaces so this flag should not be needed.

Behavior Changed: BrowserView.setAutoResize behavior on macOS

In Electron 30, BrowserView is now a wrapper around the new WebContentsView API.

Previously, the setAutoResize function of the BrowserView API was backed by autoresizing on macOS, and by a custom algorithm on Windows and Linux. For simple use cases such as making a BrowserView fill the entire window, the behavior of these two approaches was identical. However, in more advanced cases, BrowserViews would be autoresized differently on macOS than they would be on other platforms, as the custom resizing algorithm for Windows and Linux did not perfectly match the behavior of macOS's autoresizing API. The autoresizing behavior is now standardized across all platforms.

If your app uses BrowserView.setAutoResize to do anything more complex than making a BrowserView fill the entire window, it's likely you already had custom logic in place to handle this difference in behavior on macOS. If so, that logic will no longer be needed in Electron 30 as autoresizing behavior is consistent.

Deprecated: BrowserView

The BrowserView class has been deprecated and replaced by the new WebContentsView class.

BrowserView related methods in BrowserWindow have also been deprecated:


Removed: params.inputFormType property on context-menu on WebContents

The inputFormType property of the params object in the context-menu event from WebContents has been removed. Use the new formControlType property instead.

Удален: process.getIOCounters()

Chromium has removed access to this information.

Запланированные критические изменения API (29.0)

Behavior Changed: ipcRenderer can no longer be sent over the contextBridge

Attempting to send the entire ipcRenderer module as an object over the contextBridge will now result in an empty object on the receiving side of the bridge. This change was made to remove / mitigate a security footgun. You should not directly expose ipcRenderer or its methods over the bridge. Instead, provide a safe wrapper like below:

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('app', {
onEvent: (cb) => ipcRenderer.on('foo', (e, ...args) => cb(args))

Removed: renderer-process-crashed event on app

The renderer-process-crashed event on app has been removed. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
app.on('renderer-process-crashed', (event, webContents, killed) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
app.on('render-process-gone', (event, webContents, details) => { /* ... */ })

Removed: crashed event on WebContents and <webview>

The crashed events on WebContents and <webview> have been removed. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
win.webContents.on('crashed', (event, killed) => { /* ... */ })
webview.addEventListener('crashed', (event) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
win.webContents.on('render-process-gone', (event, details) => { /* ... */ })
webview.addEventListener('render-process-gone', (event) => { /* ... */ })

Removed: gpu-process-crashed event on app

The gpu-process-crashed event on app has been removed. Use the new child-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
app.on('gpu-process-crashed', (event, killed) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
app.on('child-process-gone', (event, details) => { /* ... */ })

Запланированные критические изменения API (28.0)

Behavior Changed: WebContents.backgroundThrottling set to false affects all WebContents in the host BrowserWindow

WebContents.backgroundThrottling set to false will disable frames throttling in the BrowserWindow for all WebContents displayed by it.

Удален: BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position)

BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position) has been removed, the BrowserWindow.setWindowButtonPosition(position) API should be used instead which accepts null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } to reset the position to system default.

// Removed in Electron 28
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 })
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 })

// Replace with
win.setWindowButtonPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 })

Удален: BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition()

BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition() has been removed, the BrowserWindow.getWindowButtonPosition() API should be used instead which returns null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } when there is no custom position.

// Removed in Electron 28
const pos = win.getTrafficLightPosition()
if (pos.x === 0 && pos.y === 0) {
// No custom position.

// Replace with
const ret = win.getWindowButtonPosition()
if (ret === null) {
// No custom position.

Удален: ipcRenderer.sendTo()

The ipcRenderer.sendTo() API has been removed. It should be replaced by setting up a MessageChannel between the renderers.

The senderId and senderIsMainFrame properties of IpcRendererEvent have been removed as well.

Удален: app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation

The app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation property has been removed. Вместо него используйте app.runningUnderARM64Translation.

// Removed
// Replace with

Deprecated: renderer-process-crashed event on app

The renderer-process-crashed event on app has been deprecated. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Deprecated
app.on('renderer-process-crashed', (event, webContents, killed) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
app.on('render-process-gone', (event, webContents, details) => { /* ... */ })

Deprecated: params.inputFormType property on context-menu on WebContents

The inputFormType property of the params object in the context-menu event from WebContents has been deprecated. Use the new formControlType property instead.

Deprecated: crashed event on WebContents and <webview>

The crashed events on WebContents and <webview> have been deprecated. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Deprecated
win.webContents.on('crashed', (event, killed) => { /* ... */ })
webview.addEventListener('crashed', (event) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
win.webContents.on('render-process-gone', (event, details) => { /* ... */ })
webview.addEventListener('render-process-gone', (event) => { /* ... */ })

Deprecated: gpu-process-crashed event on app

The gpu-process-crashed event on app has been deprecated. Use the new child-process-gone event instead.

// Deprecated
app.on('gpu-process-crashed', (event, killed) => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
app.on('child-process-gone', (event, details) => { /* ... */ })

Запланированные критические изменения API (27.0)

Removed: macOS 10.13 / 10.14 support

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and macOS 10.14 (Mojave) are no longer supported by Chromium.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on these operating systems, but macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later will be required to run Electron v27.0.0 and higher.

Устарело: ipcRenderer.sendTo()

The ipcRenderer.sendTo() API has been deprecated. It should be replaced by setting up a MessageChannel between the renderers.

The senderId and senderIsMainFrame properties of IpcRendererEvent have been deprecated as well.

Removed: color scheme events in systemPreferences

The following systemPreferences events have been removed:

  • inverted-color-scheme-changed
  • high-contrast-color-scheme-changed

Use the new updated event on the nativeTheme module instead.

// Removed
systemPreferences.on('inverted-color-scheme-changed', () => { /* ... */ })
systemPreferences.on('high-contrast-color-scheme-changed', () => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
nativeTheme.on('updated', () => { /* ... */ })

Removed: Some window.setVibrancy options on macOS

The following vibrancy options have been removed:

  • 'light'
  • 'medium-light'
  • 'dark'
  • 'ultra-dark'
  • 'appearance-based'

These were previously deprecated and have been removed by Apple in 10.15.

Удален: webContents.getPrinters

The webContents.getPrinters method has been removed. Используйте вместо него webContents.getPrintersAsync.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Removed
// Replace with
w.webContents.getPrintersAsync().then((printers) => {

Removed: systemPreferences.{get,set}AppLevelAppearance and systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance

The systemPreferences.getAppLevelAppearance and systemPreferences.setAppLevelAppearance methods have been removed, as well as the systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance property. Вместо этого используйте модуль nativeTheme.

// Removed
// Replace with

// Removed
// Replace with

// Removed
// Replace with
nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark'

Removed: alternate-selected-control-text value for systemPreferences.getColor

The alternate-selected-control-text value for systemPreferences.getColor has been removed. Вместо него используйте selected-content-background.

// Removed
// Replace with

Запланированные критические изменения API (26.0)

Устарело: webContents.getPrinters

Метод webContents.getPrinters устарел. Используйте вместо него webContents.getPrintersAsync.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Устарело
// Заменить на
w.webContents.getPrintersAsync().then((printers) => {

Устарело: systemPreferences.{get,set}AppLevelAppearance и systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance

Методы systemPreferences.getAppLevelAppearance и systemPreferences.setAppLevelAppearance устарели, так же как и свойство systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance. Вместо этого используйте модуль nativeTheme.

// Устарело
// Заменить на

// Устарело
// Заменить на

// Устарело
// Заменить на
nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark'

Устарело: значение alternate-selected-control-text для systemPreferences.getColor

Значение alternate-selected-control-text для systemPreferences.getColor устарело. Вместо него используйте selected-content-background.

// Устарело
// Заменить на

Запланированные критические изменения API (25.0)

Deprecated: protocol.{un,}{register,intercept}{Buffer,String,Stream,File,Http}Protocol and protocol.isProtocol{Registered,Intercepted}

Методы protocol.register*Protocol и protocol.intercept*Protocol заменены на protocol.handle.

The new method can either register a new protocol or intercept an existing protocol, and responses can be of any type.

// Устарело в Electron 25
protocol.registerBufferProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ mimeType: 'text/html', data: Buffer.from('<h5>Response</h5>') })

// Заменить на
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return new Response(
Buffer.from('<h5>Response</h5>'), // Could also be a string or ReadableStream.
{ headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' } }
// Устарело в Electron 25
protocol.registerHttpProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ url: 'https://electronjs.org' })

// Заменить на
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return net.fetch('https://electronjs.org')
// Deprecated in Electron 25
protocol.registerFileProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ filePath: '/path/to/my/file' })

// Replace with
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return net.fetch('file:///path/to/my/file')

Obsoleto: BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position)

BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position) has been deprecated, the BrowserWindow.setWindowButtonPosition(position) API should be used instead which accepts null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } to reset the position to system default.

// Deprecated in Electron 25
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 })
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 })

// Replace with
win.setWindowButtonPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 })

Obsoleto: BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition()

BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition() has been deprecated, the BrowserWindow.getWindowButtonPosition() API should be used instead which returns null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } when there is no custom position.

// Deprecated in Electron 25
const pos = win.getTrafficLightPosition()
if (pos.x === 0 && pos.y === 0) {
// No custom position.

// Replace with
const ret = win.getWindowButtonPosition()
if (ret === null) {
// No custom position.

Запланированные критические изменения API (24.0)

Изменения в API: nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(path, size)

The maxSize parameter has been changed to size to reflect that the size passed in will be the size the thumbnail created. Previously, Windows would not scale the image up if it were smaller than maxSize, and macOS would always set the size to maxSize. Behavior is now the same across platforms.

Updated Behavior:

// a 128x128 image.
const imagePath = path.join('path', 'to', 'capybara.png')

// Scaling up a smaller image.
const upSize = { width: 256, height: 256 }
nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(imagePath, upSize).then(result => {
console.log(result.getSize()) // { width: 256, height: 256 }

// Scaling down a larger image.
const downSize = { width: 64, height: 64 }
nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(imagePath, downSize).then(result => {
console.log(result.getSize()) // { width: 64, height: 64 }

Previous Behavior (on Windows):

// a 128x128 image
const imagePath = path.join('path', 'to', 'capybara.png')
const size = { width: 256, height: 256 }
nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(imagePath, size).then(result => {
console.log(result.getSize()) // { width: 128, height: 128 }

Запланированные критические изменения API (23.0)

Behavior Changed: Draggable Regions on macOS

The implementation of draggable regions (using the CSS property -webkit-app-region: drag) has changed on macOS to bring it in line with Windows and Linux. Previously, when a region with -webkit-app-region: no-drag overlapped a region with -webkit-app-region: drag, the no-drag region would always take precedence on macOS, regardless of CSS layering. That is, if a drag region was above a no-drag region, it would be ignored. Beginning in Electron 23, a drag region on top of a no-drag region will correctly cause the region to be draggable.

Additionally, the customButtonsOnHover BrowserWindow property previously created a draggable region which ignored the -webkit-app-region CSS property. This has now been fixed (see #37210 for discussion).

As a result, if your app uses a frameless window with draggable regions on macOS, the regions which are draggable in your app may change in Electron 23.

Removed: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 support

Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 are no longer supported. Electron follows the planned Chromium deprecation policy, which will deprecate Windows 7 support beginning in Chromium 109.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on these operating systems, but Windows 10 or later will be required to run Electron v23.0.0 and higher.

Removed: BrowserWindow scroll-touch-* events

The deprecated scroll-touch-begin, scroll-touch-end and scroll-touch-edge events on BrowserWindow have been removed. Instead, use the newly available input-event event on WebContents.

// Removed in Electron 23.0
win.on('scroll-touch-begin', scrollTouchBegin)
win.on('scroll-touch-edge', scrollTouchEdge)
win.on('scroll-touch-end', scrollTouchEnd)

// Replace with
win.webContents.on('input-event', (_, event) => {
if (event.type === 'gestureScrollBegin') {
} else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollUpdate') {
} else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollEnd') {

Удален: webContents.incrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake)

The webContents.incrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake) function has been removed. It is now automatically handled by webContents.capturePage when a page capture completes.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Removed in Electron 23
w.capturePage().then(image => {

// Replace with
w.capturePage().then(image => {

Удален: webContents.decrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake)

The webContents.decrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake) function has been removed. It is now automatically handled by webContents.capturePage when a page capture completes.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Removed in Electron 23
w.capturePage().then(image => {

// Replace with
w.capturePage().then(image => {

Запланированные критические изменения API (22.0)

Obsoleto: webContents.incrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake)

webContents.incrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake) has been deprecated. It is now automatically handled by webContents.capturePage when a page capture completes.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Removed in Electron 23
w.capturePage().then(image => {

// Replace with
w.capturePage().then(image => {

Obsoleto: webContents.decrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake)

webContents.decrementCapturerCount(stayHidden, stayAwake) has been deprecated. It is now automatically handled by webContents.capturePage when a page capture completes.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })

// Removed in Electron 23
w.capturePage().then(image => {

// Replace with
w.capturePage().then(image => {

Removed: WebContents new-window event

The new-window event of WebContents has been removed. It is replaced by webContents.setWindowOpenHandler().

// Removed in Electron 22
webContents.on('new-window', (event) => {

// Replace with
webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
return { action: 'deny' }

Removed: <webview> new-window event

The new-window event of <webview> has been removed. There is no direct replacement.

// Removed in Electron 22
webview.addEventListener('new-window', (event) => {})
// Replace with

// main.js
mainWindow.webContents.on('did-attach-webview', (event, wc) => {
wc.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
mainWindow.webContents.send('webview-new-window', wc.id, details)
return { action: 'deny' }

// preload.js
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
ipcRenderer.on('webview-new-window', (e, webContentsId, details) => {
console.log('webview-new-window', webContentsId, details)
document.getElementById('webview').dispatchEvent(new Event('new-window'))

// renderer.js
document.getElementById('webview').addEventListener('new-window', () => {
console.log('got new-window event')

Deprecated: BrowserWindow scroll-touch-* events

The scroll-touch-begin, scroll-touch-end and scroll-touch-edge events on BrowserWindow are deprecated. Instead, use the newly available input-event event on WebContents.

// Deprecated
win.on('scroll-touch-begin', scrollTouchBegin)
win.on('scroll-touch-edge', scrollTouchEdge)
win.on('scroll-touch-end', scrollTouchEnd)

// Replace with
win.webContents.on('input-event', (_, event) => {
if (event.type === 'gestureScrollBegin') {
} else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollUpdate') {
} else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollEnd') {

Запланированные критические изменения API (21.0)

Comportement modifié: Cage mémoire V8 activée

The V8 memory cage has been enabled, which has implications for native modules which wrap non-V8 memory with ArrayBuffer or Buffer. See the blog post about the V8 memory cage for more details.

Изменения в API: webContents.printToPDF()

webContents.printToPDF() has been modified to conform to Page.printToPDF in the Chrome DevTools Protocol. This has been changes in order to address changes upstream that made our previous implementation untenable and rife with bugs.

Аргументы изменены

  • pageRanges

Аргументы удалены

  • printSelectionOnly
  • marginsType
  • headerFooter
  • scaleFactor

Arguments Added

  • headerTemplate
  • footerTemplate
  • displayHeaderFooter
  • margins
  • scale
  • preferCSSPageSize
// Main process
const { webContents } = require('electron')

landscape: true,
displayHeaderFooter: true,
printBackground: true,
scale: 2,
pageSize: 'Ledger',
margins: {
top: 2,
bottom: 2,
left: 2,
right: 2
pageRanges: '1-5, 8, 11-13',
headerTemplate: '<h1>Title</h1>',
footerTemplate: '<div><span class="pageNumber"></span></div>',
preferCSSPageSize: true
}).then(data => {
fs.writeFile(pdfPath, data, (error) => {
if (error) throw error
console.log(`Wrote PDF successfully to ${pdfPath}`)
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`Failed to write PDF to ${pdfPath}: `, error)

Запланированные критические изменения API (20.0)

Removed: macOS 10.11 / 10.12 support

macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) and macOS 10.12 (Sierra) are no longer supported by Chromium.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on these operating systems, but macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later will be required to run Electron v20.0.0 and higher.

Default Changed: renderers without nodeIntegration: true are sandboxed by default

Previously, renderers that specified a preload script defaulted to being unsandboxed. This meant that by default, preload scripts had access to Node.js. In Electron 20, this default has changed. Beginning in Electron 20, renderers will be sandboxed by default, unless nodeIntegration: true or sandbox: false is specified.

If your preload scripts do not depend on Node, no action is needed. If your preload scripts do depend on Node, either refactor them to remove Node usage from the renderer, or explicitly specify sandbox: false for the relevant renderers.

Removed: skipTaskbar on Linux

On X11, skipTaskbar sends a _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR message to the X11 window manager. There is not a direct equivalent for Wayland, and the known workarounds have unacceptable tradeoffs (e.g. Window.is_skip_taskbar in GNOME requires unsafe mode), so Electron is unable to support this feature on Linux.

Изменения в API: session.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)

The handler invoked when session.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler) is used has a change to its arguments. This handler no longer is passed a frame WebFrameMain, but instead is passed the origin, which is the origin that is checking for device permission.

Запланированные критические изменения API (19.0)

Removed: IA32 Linux binaries

This is a result of Chromium 102.0.4999.0 dropping support for IA32 Linux. This concludes the removal of support for IA32 Linux.

Запланированные критические изменения API (18.0)

Удален: nativeWindowOpen

Prior to Electron 15, window.open was by default shimmed to use BrowserWindowProxy. This meant that window.open('about:blank') did not work to open synchronously scriptable child windows, among other incompatibilities. Начиная с Electron 15, nativeWindowOpen включен по умолчанию.

See the documentation for window.open in Electron for more details.

Запланированные критические изменения API (17.0)

Удалено: desktopCapturer.getSources в рендере

API desktopCapturer.getSources теперь доступен только в основном процессе. Это было изменено для того, чтобы улучшить стандартную безопасность приложений Electron приложения.

Если вам нужна эта функциональность, ее можно заменить следующим образом:

// Main process
const { ipcMain, desktopCapturer } = require('electron')

(event, opts) => desktopCapturer.getSources(opts)
// Renderer process
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

const desktopCapturer = {
getSources: (opts) => ipcRenderer.invoke('DESKTOP_CAPTURER_GET_SOURCES', opts)

Однако следует рассмотреть возможность дальнейшего ограничения информации, возвращаемой в рендереру; например, отображать пользователю селектор источников и только возвращать только выбранный источник.

Deprecated: nativeWindowOpen

Prior to Electron 15, window.open was by default shimmed to use BrowserWindowProxy. This meant that window.open('about:blank') did not work to open synchronously scriptable child windows, among other incompatibilities. Начиная с Electron 15, nativeWindowOpen включен по умолчанию.

See the documentation for window.open in Electron for more details.

Запланированные критические изменения API (16.0)

Behavior Changed: crashReporter implementation switched to Crashpad on Linux

The underlying implementation of the crashReporter API on Linux has changed from Breakpad to Crashpad, bringing it in line with Windows and Mac. As a result of this, child processes are now automatically monitored, and calling process.crashReporter.start in Node child processes is no longer needed (and is not advisable, as it will start a second instance of the Crashpad reporter).

There are also some subtle changes to how annotations will be reported on Linux, including that long values will no longer be split between annotations appended with __1, __2 and so on, and instead will be truncated at the (new, longer) annotation value limit.

Deprecated: desktopCapturer.getSources in the renderer

Usage of the desktopCapturer.getSources API in the renderer has been deprecated and will be removed. This change improves the default security of Electron apps.

See here for details on how to replace this API in your app.

Запланированные критические изменения API (15.0)

Default Changed: nativeWindowOpen defaults to true

Prior to Electron 15, window.open was by default shimmed to use BrowserWindowProxy. This meant that window.open('about:blank') did not work to open synchronously scriptable child windows, among other incompatibilities. nativeWindowOpen is no longer experimental, and is now the default.

See the documentation for window.open in Electron for more details.

Устарело: app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation

The app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation property has been deprecated. Вместо него используйте app.runningUnderARM64Translation.

// Deprecated
// Replace with

Запланированные критические изменения API (14.0)

Removed: remote module

The remote module was deprecated in Electron 12, and will be removed in Electron 14. It is replaced by the @electron/remote module.

// Deprecated in Electron 12:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron').remote
// Replace with:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('@electron/remote')

// In the main process:

Удален: app.allowRendererProcessReuse

The app.allowRendererProcessReuse property will be removed as part of our plan to more closely align with Chromium's process model for security, performance and maintainability.

Для подробностей см. #18397.

Removed: Browser Window Affinity

Параметр affinity при создании нового BrowserWindow будет удален в рамках нашего плана для более тесной связи с моделью процесса Chrome в целях безопасности, производительность и лучшей поддержки.

Для подробностей см. #18397.

Изменения в API: window.open()

Необязательный параметр frameName больше не устанавливает название окна. Теперь это следует спецификации, описанной в документации в соответствии с параметром windowName.

If you were using this parameter to set the title of a window, you can instead use win.setTitle(title).

Удален: worldSafeExecuteJavaScript

В Electron 14 worldSafeExecuteJavaScript будет удален. Альтернатива отсутствует, пожалуйста, убедитесь, что в вашем коде данный параметр включен. Он был включен в Electron по умолчанию 12.

На вас повлияет это изменение, если вы используете либо webFrame.executeJavaScript или webFrame.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld. You will need to ensure that values returned by either of those methods are supported by the Context Bridge API as these methods use the same value passing semantics.

Removed: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions inheriting from parent windows

Prior to Electron 14, windows opened with window.open would inherit BrowserWindow constructor options such as transparent and resizable from their parent window. Beginning with Electron 14, this behavior is removed, and windows will not inherit any BrowserWindow constructor options from their parents.

Instead, explicitly set options for the new window with setWindowOpenHandler:

webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
return {
action: 'allow',
overrideBrowserWindowOptions: {
// ...

Удален: additionalFeatures

The deprecated additionalFeatures property in the new-window and did-create-window events of WebContents has been removed. Since new-window uses positional arguments, the argument is still present, but will always be the empty array []. (Though note, the new-window event itself is deprecated, and is replaced by setWindowOpenHandler.) Bare keys in window features will now present as keys with the value true in the options object.

// Removed in Electron 14
// Triggered by window.open('...', '', 'my-key')
webContents.on('did-create-window', (window, details) => {
if (details.additionalFeatures.includes('my-key')) {
// ...

// Replace with
webContents.on('did-create-window', (window, details) => {
if (details.options['my-key']) {
// ...

Запланированные критические изменения API (13.0)

Изменения в API: session.setPermissionCheckHandler(handler)

Первым параметром handler был ранее всегда webContents, теперь он иногда может быть null. Вы должны использовать requestingOrigin, embeddingOrigin и securityOrigin свойства для правильного ответа на проверку. Так как webContents может быть null больше, на него нельзя полагаться.

// Старый код
session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission) => {
if (webContents.getURL().startsWith('https://google. om/') && permission === 'notification') {
return true
возвращает false

// Заменить на
сессию. etPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin) => {
if (new URL(requestingOrigin). ostname === 'google.com' && permission === 'notification') {
return true
возвращает false

Удален: shell.moveItemToTrash()

Удален устаревший синхронный shell.moveItemToTrash() API. Вместо этого используйте асинхронный shell.trashItem().

// Удалён в Electron 13
// Замена на
shell.trashItem(path).then(/* ... */)

Удалено: BrowserWindow API расширений

Удалено устаревшее API расширений:

  • BrowserWindow.addExtension(path)
  • BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension(path)
  • BrowserWindow.removeExtension(name)
  • BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension(name)
  • BrowserWindow.getExtensions()
  • BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions()

Использовать API сессии:

  • ses.loadExtension(path)
  • ses.removeExtension(extension_id)
  • ses.getAllExtensions()
// Удален в Electron 13
// Заменить
// Удален в Electron 13
// Заменить
// Удален в Electron 13
// Заменить

Удалено: методы в systemPreferences

Следующие systemPreferences были устаревшими:

  • systemPreferences.isDarkMode()
  • systemPreferences.isvertedColorScheme()
  • systemPreferences.isHighContrastColorScheme()

Используйте следующие свойства nativeTheme вместо этого:

  • nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors
  • nativeTheme.shouldUseInvertedColorScheme
  • nativeTheme.shouldUseHighContrastColors
// Удалён в Electron 13
// Заменить на

// Удалён в Electron 13
systemPreferences. sInvertedColorScheme()
// Заменить на

// Удалено в Electron 13
// Заменить на

Устарело: WebContents new-window событие

Событие new-window сетевого контента является устаревшим. It is replaced by webContents.setWindowOpenHandler().

// Устарел в Electron 13
webContents.on('new-window', (event) => {
событие. reventDefault()

// Заменить на
webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
return { action: 'deny' }

Запланированные критические изменения API (12.0)

Удалено: Поддержка Pepper Flash

Chromium удалил поддержку Flash, и поэтому мы должны следовать этому примеру. Смотрите Chromium Flash Roadmap для получения более подробной информации.

Default Changed: worldSafeExecuteJavaScript defaults to true

В Electron 12, worldSafeExecuteJavaScript будет включен по умолчанию. Чтобы восстановить предыдущее поведение, в WebPreferences должен быть определен worldSafeExecuteJavaScript: false. Обратите внимание, что установливать этого параметр в false небезопасно.

This option will be removed in Electron 14 so please migrate your code to support the default value.

Default Changed: contextIsolation defaults to true

We recommend having contextIsolation enabled for the security of your application.

Another implication is that require() cannot be used in the renderer process unless nodeIntegration is true and contextIsolation is false.

Подробнее см.: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/23506

Удален: crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory()

The crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory method has been removed. Usage should be replaced by app.getPath('crashDumps').

// Removed in Electron 12
// Replace with

Removed: crashReporter methods in the renderer process

The following crashReporter methods are no longer available in the renderer process:

  • crashReporter.start
  • crashReporter.getLastCrashReport
  • crashReporter.getUploadedReports
  • crashReporter.getUploadToServer
  • вылетать Reporter.setUploadToServer
  • crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory

They should be called only from the main process.

See #23265 for more details.

Default Changed: crashReporter.start({ compress: true })

The default value of the compress option to crashReporter.start has changed from false to true. This means that crash dumps will be uploaded to the crash ingestion server with the Content-Encoding: gzip header, and the body will be compressed.

If your crash ingestion server does not support compressed payloads, you can turn off compression by specifying { compress: false } in the crash reporter options.

Deprecated: remote module

The remote module is deprecated in Electron 12, and will be removed in Electron 14. It is replaced by the @electron/remote module.

// Deprecated in Electron 12:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron').remote
// Replace with:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('@electron/remote')

// In the main process:

Устарело: shell.moveItemToTrash()

The synchronous shell.moveItemToTrash() has been replaced by the new, asynchronous shell.trashItem().

// Deprecated in Electron 12
// Replace with
shell.trashItem(path).then(/* ... */)

Запланированные критические изменения API (11.0)

Removed: BrowserView.{destroy, fromId, fromWebContents, getAllViews} and id property of BrowserView

The experimental APIs BrowserView.{destroy, fromId, fromWebContents, getAllViews} have now been removed. Additionally, the id property of BrowserView has also been removed.

For more detailed information, see #23578.

Запланированные критические изменения API (10.0)

Deprecated: companyName argument to crashReporter.start()

The companyName argument to crashReporter.start(), which was previously required, is now optional, and further, is deprecated. To get the same behavior in a non-deprecated way, you can pass a companyName value in globalExtra.

// Deprecated in Electron 10
crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation' })
// Replace with
crashReporter.start({ globalExtra: { _companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation' } })

Obsoleto: crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory()

Метод crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory устарел. Usage should be replaced by app.getPath('crashDumps').

// Deprecated in Electron 10
// Replace with

Deprecated: crashReporter methods in the renderer process

Calling the following crashReporter methods from the renderer process is deprecated:

  • crashReporter.start
  • crashReporter.getLastCrashReport
  • crashReporter.getUploadedReports
  • crashReporter.getUploadToServer
  • вылетать Reporter.setUploadToServer
  • crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory

The only non-deprecated methods remaining in the crashReporter module in the renderer are addExtraParameter, removeExtraParameter and getParameters.

All above methods remain non-deprecated when called from the main process.

See #23265 for more details.

Устарело: crashReporter.start({ compress: false })

Setting { compress: false } in crashReporter.start is deprecated. Nearly all crash ingestion servers support gzip compression. This option will be removed in a future version of Electron.

Изменение значения по-умолчанию: enableRemoteModule изменено на false

In Electron 9, using the remote module without explicitly enabling it via the enableRemoteModule WebPreferences option began emitting a warning. In Electron 10, the remote module is now disabled by default. To use the remote module, enableRemoteModule: true must be specified in WebPreferences:

const w = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
enableRemoteModule: true

We recommend moving away from the remote module.



API теперь синхронизируются, и необязательный обратный вызов больше не требуется.

// Deprecated
protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme, () => { /* ... */ })
// Replace with











API теперь синхронизируются, и необязательный обратный вызов больше не требуется.

// Deprecated
protocol.registerFileProtocol(scheme, handler, () => { /* ... */ })
// Replace with
protocol.registerFileProtocol(scheme, handler)

Зарегистрированный или перехваченный протокол не влияет на текущую страницу до тех пор, пока не произойдет навигация.


Этот API является устаревшим, пользователи должны использовать protocol.isProtocolRegistered и protocol.isProtocolIntercepted.

// Deprecated
protocol.isProtocolHandled(scheme).then(() => { /* ... */ })
// Replace with
const isRegistered = protocol.isProtocolRegistered(scheme)
const isIntercepted = protocol.isProtocolIntercepted(scheme)

Запланированные критические изменения API (9.0)

Default Changed: Loading non-context-aware native modules in the renderer process is disabled by default

As of Electron 9 we do not allow loading of non-context-aware native modules in the renderer process. This is to improve security, performance and maintainability of Electron as a project.

If this impacts you, you can temporarily set app.allowRendererProcessReuse to false to revert to the old behavior. This flag will only be an option until Electron 11 so you should plan to update your native modules to be context aware.

Для подробностей см. #18397.

Deprecated: BrowserWindow extension APIs

The following extension APIs have been deprecated:

  • BrowserWindow.addExtension(path)
  • BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension(path)
  • BrowserWindow.removeExtension(name)
  • BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension(name)
  • BrowserWindow.getExtensions()
  • BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions()

Использовать API сессии:

  • ses.loadExtension(path)
  • ses.removeExtension(extension_id)
  • ses.getAllExtensions()
// Deprecated in Electron 9
// Replace with
// Deprecated in Electron 9
// Replace with
// Deprecated in Electron 9
// Replace with

Removed: <webview>.getWebContents()

Удален этот API, устаревший в Electron 8.0.

// Удален в Electron 9.0
// Замена на
const { remote } = require('electron')

Удален: webFrame.setLayoutZoomLevelLimits()

Chromium has removed support for changing the layout zoom level limits, and it is beyond Electron's capacity to maintain it. The function was deprecated in Electron 8.x, and has been removed in Electron 9.x. The layout zoom level limits are now fixed at a minimum of 0.25 and a maximum of 5.0, as defined here.

Behavior Changed: Sending non-JS objects over IPC now throws an exception

In Electron 8.0, IPC was changed to use the Structured Clone Algorithm, bringing significant performance improvements. To help ease the transition, the old IPC serialization algorithm was kept and used for some objects that aren't serializable with Structured Clone. In particular, DOM objects (e.g. Element, Location and DOMMatrix), Node.js objects backed by C++ classes (e.g. process.env, some members of Stream), and Electron objects backed by C++ classes (e.g. WebContents, BrowserWindow and WebFrame) are not serializable with Structured Clone. Whenever the old algorithm was invoked, a deprecation warning was printed.

In Electron 9.0, the old serialization algorithm has been removed, and sending such non-serializable objects will now throw an "object could not be cloned" error.

API Changed: shell.openItem is now shell.openPath

The shell.openItem API has been replaced with an asynchronous shell.openPath API. You can see the original API proposal and reasoning here.

Запланированные критические изменения API (8.0)

Behavior Changed: Values sent over IPC are now serialized with Structured Clone Algorithm

The algorithm used to serialize objects sent over IPC (through ipcRenderer.send, ipcRenderer.sendSync, WebContents.send and related methods) has been switched from a custom algorithm to V8's built-in Structured Clone Algorithm, the same algorithm used to serialize messages for postMessage. This brings about a 2x performance improvement for large messages, but also brings some breaking changes in behavior.

  • Sending Functions, Promises, WeakMaps, WeakSets, or objects containing any such values, over IPC will now throw an exception, instead of silently converting the functions to undefined.
// Previously:
ipcRenderer.send('channel', { value: 3, someFunction: () => {} })
// => results in { value: 3 } arriving in the main process

// From Electron 8:
ipcRenderer.send('channel', { value: 3, someFunction: () => {} })
// => throws Error("() => {} could not be cloned.")
  • NaN, Infinity and -Infinity will now be correctly serialized, instead of being converted to null.
  • Objects containing cyclic references will now be correctly serialized, instead of being converted to null.
  • Set, Map, Error and RegExp values will be correctly serialized, instead of being converted to {}.
  • BigInt values will be correctly serialized, instead of being converted to null.
  • Sparse arrays will be serialized as such, instead of being converted to dense arrays with nulls.
  • Date objects will be transferred as Date objects, instead of being converted to their ISO string representation.
  • Typed Arrays (such as Uint8Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array and so on) will be transferred as such, instead of being converted to Node.js Buffer.
  • Node.js Buffer objects will be transferred as Uint8Arrays. You can convert a Uint8Array back to a Node.js Buffer by wrapping the underlying ArrayBuffer:
Buffer.from(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength)

Sending any objects that aren't native JS types, such as DOM objects (e.g. Element, Location, DOMMatrix), Node.js objects (e.g. process.env, Stream), or Electron objects (e.g. WebContents, BrowserWindow, WebFrame) is deprecated. In Electron 8, these objects will be serialized as before with a DeprecationWarning message, but starting in Electron 9, sending these kinds of objects will throw a 'could not be cloned' error.

Устарело: <webview>.getWebContents()

This API is implemented using the remote module, which has both performance and security implications. Therefore its usage should be explicit.

// Deprecated
// Replace with
const { remote } = require('electron')

However, it is recommended to avoid using the remote module altogether.

// main
const { ipcMain, webContents } = require('electron')

const getGuestForWebContents = (webContentsId, contents) => {
const guest = webContents.fromId(webContentsId)
if (!guest) {
throw new Error(`Invalid webContentsId: ${webContentsId}`)
if (guest.hostWebContents !== contents) {
throw new Error('Access denied to webContents')
return guest

ipcMain.handle('openDevTools', (event, webContentsId) => {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(webContentsId, event.sender)

// renderer
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

ipcRenderer.invoke('openDevTools', webview.getWebContentsId())

Устарело: webFrame.setLayoutZoomLevelLimits()

Chromium has removed support for changing the layout zoom level limits, and it is beyond Electron's capacity to maintain it. The function will emit a warning in Electron 8.x, and cease to exist in Electron 9.x. The layout zoom level limits are now fixed at a minimum of 0.25 and a maximum of 5.0, as defined here.

Deprecated events in systemPreferences

The following systemPreferences events have been deprecated:

  • inverted-color-scheme-changed
  • high-contrast-color-scheme-changed

Use the new updated event on the nativeTheme module instead.

// Deprecated
systemPreferences.on('inverted-color-scheme-changed', () => { /* ... */ })
systemPreferences.on('high-contrast-color-scheme-changed', () => { /* ... */ })

// Replace with
nativeTheme.on('updated', () => { /* ... */ })

Deprecated: methods in systemPreferences

Следующие systemPreferences были устаревшими:

  • systemPreferences.isDarkMode()
  • systemPreferences.isvertedColorScheme()
  • systemPreferences.isHighContrastColorScheme()

Используйте следующие свойства nativeTheme вместо этого:

  • nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors
  • nativeTheme.shouldUseInvertedColorScheme
  • nativeTheme.shouldUseHighContrastColors
// Deprecated
// Replace with

// Deprecated
// Replace with

// Deprecated
// Replace with

Запланированные критические изменения API (7.0)

Deprecated: Atom.io Node Headers URL

Это URL, указанный как disturl в файле .npmrc или как --dist-url флаг командной строки, при сборке нативных модулей Node. Оба будут поддерживаться в обозримом будущем, но рекомендуется переключиться.

Устарело: https://atom.io/download/electron

Заменено на: https://electronjs.org/headers

API Changed: session.clearAuthCache() no longer accepts options

session.clearAuthCache API больше не принимает параметры для очистки, а вместо этого безоговорочно очищает весь кэш.

// Устарело
session.clearAuthCache({ type: 'password' })
// Заменить на

API Changed: powerMonitor.querySystemIdleState is now powerMonitor.getSystemIdleState

// Removed in Electron 7.0
powerMonitor.querySystemIdleState(threshold, callback)
// Replace with synchronous API
const idleState = powerMonitor.getSystemIdleState(threshold)

API Changed: powerMonitor.querySystemIdleTime is now powerMonitor.getSystemIdleTime

// Removed in Electron 7.0
// Replace with synchronous API
const idleTime = powerMonitor.getSystemIdleTime()

API Changed: webFrame.setIsolatedWorldInfo replaces separate methods

// Удалено в Electron 7.0
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(worldId, csp)
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldHumanReadableName(worldId, name)
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(worldId, securityOrigin)
// Заменить на
securityOrigin: 'some_origin',
name: 'human_readable_name',
csp: 'content_security_policy'

Removed: marked property on getBlinkMemoryInfo

Это свойство было удалено в Chromium 77, и как таковое больше не доступно.

Behavior Changed: webkitdirectory attribute for <input type="file"/> now lists directory contents

The webkitdirectory property on HTML file inputs allows them to select folders. Previous versions of Electron had an incorrect implementation where the event.target.files of the input returned a FileList that returned one File corresponding to the selected folder.

As of Electron 7, that FileList is now list of all files contained within the folder, similarly to Chrome, Firefox, and Edge (link to MDN docs).

В качестве иллюстрации возьмем папку с такой структурой:

├── file1
├── file2
└── file3

В Electron <=6, это вернет FileList с объектом File для:


В Electron 7, теперь он вернет FileList с объектом File для:


Обратите внимание, что webkitdirectory больше не возвращает путь к выбранной папке. If you require the path to the selected folder rather than the folder contents, see the dialog.showOpenDialog API (link).

API Changed: Callback-based versions of promisified APIs

Electron 5 and Electron 6 introduced Promise-based versions of existing asynchronous APIs and deprecated their older, callback-based counterparts. In Electron 7, all deprecated callback-based APIs are now removed.

These functions now only return Promises:

  • app.getFileIcon() #15742
  • app.dock.show() #16904
  • contentTracing.getCategories() #16583
  • contentTracing.getTraceBufferUsage() #16600
  • contentTracing.startRecording() #16584
  • contentTracing.stopRecording() #16584
  • contents.executeJavaScript() #17312
  • cookies.flushStore() #16464
  • cookies.get() #16464
  • cookies.remove() #16464
  • cookies.set() #16464
  • debugger.sendCommand() #16861
  • dialog.showCertificateTrustDialog() #17181
  • inAppPurchase.getProducts() #17355
  • inAppPurchase.purchaseProduct()#17355
  • netLog.stopLogging() #16862
  • session.clearAuthCache() #17259
  • session.clearCache() #17185
  • session.clearHostResolverCache() #17229
  • session.clearStorageData() #17249
  • session.getBlobData() #17303
  • session.getCacheSize() #17185
  • session.resolveProxy() #17222
  • session.setProxy() #17222
  • shell.openExternal() #16176
  • webContents.loadFile() #15855
  • webContents.loadURL() #15855
  • webContents.hasServiceWorker() #16535
  • webContents.printToPDF() #16795
  • webContents.savePage() #16742
  • webFrame.executeJavaScript() #17312
  • webFrame.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld() #17312
  • webviewTag.executeJavaScript() #17312
  • win.capturePage() #15743

These functions now have two forms, synchronous and Promise-based asynchronous:

  • dialog.showMessageBox()/dialog.showMessageBoxSync() #17298
  • dialog.showOpenDialog()/dialog.showOpenDialogSync() #16973
  • dialog.showSaveDialog()/dialog.showSaveDialogSync() #17054

Запланированные критические изменения API (6.0)

API Changed: win.setMenu(null) is now win.removeMenu()

// Устарело
// Заменено на

API Changed: electron.screen in the renderer process should be accessed via remote

// Устарело
// Заменено на

API Changed: require()ing node builtins in sandboxed renderers no longer implicitly loads the remote version

// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на

Deprecated: powerMonitor.querySystemIdleState replaced with powerMonitor.getSystemIdleState

// Deprecated
powerMonitor.querySystemIdleState(threshold, callback)
// Replace with synchronous API
const idleState = powerMonitor.getSystemIdleState(threshold)

Deprecated: powerMonitor.querySystemIdleTime replaced with powerMonitor.getSystemIdleTime

// Deprecated
// Replace with synchronous API
const idleTime = powerMonitor.getSystemIdleTime()

Deprecated: app.enableMixedSandbox() is no longer needed

// Устарело

Режим смешанной песочницы теперь включен по умолчанию.

Устарело: Tray.setHighlightMode

Под macOS Catalina наша прежняя реализация Tray нарушена. Нативная замена Apple не поддерживает изменение поведения подсветки.

// Устарело
// Метод будет удален в v7.0 без альтернатив.

Запланированные критические изменения API (5.0)

Default Changed: nodeIntegration and webviewTag default to false, contextIsolation defaults to true

Следующие значения по умолчанию для параметра webPreferences устарели в пользу новых значений по умолчанию, перечисленных ниже.

webviewTagnodeIntegration, если установлено, иначе truefalse

Например, Re-enabling the webviewTag

const w = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
webviewTag: true

Behavior Changed: nodeIntegration in child windows opened via nativeWindowOpen

Child windows opened with the nativeWindowOpen option will always have Node.js integration disabled, unless nodeIntegrationInSubFrames is true.

API Changed: Registering privileged schemes must now be done before app ready

API графического процесса webFrame.registerURLSchemeAsPrivileged и webFrame.registerURLSchemeAsBypassingCSP, а также API процесса браузера protocol.registerStandardSchemes были удалены. Новый API protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged был добавлен и должен использоваться для регистрации пользовательских схем с необходимыми привилегиями. Пользовательские схемы должны быть зарегистрированы до готовности приложения.

Deprecated: webFrame.setIsolatedWorld* replaced with webFrame.setIsolatedWorldInfo

// Устарело
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(worldId, csp)
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldHumanReadableName(worldId, name)
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(worldId, securityOrigin)
// Заменено на
securityOrigin: 'some_origin',
name: 'human_readable_name',
csp: 'content_security_policy'

API Changed: webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider now takes an asynchronous callback

Параметр spellCheck теперь асинхронный, а параметр autoCorrectWord был удален.

// Устаревшее
webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider('en-US', true, {
spellCheck: (text) => {
return !spellchecker. sMisspelled(text)
// Заменить на
webFrame. etSpellCheckProvider('en-US', {
spellCheck: (words, callback) => {
callback(слова. ilter(text => spellchecker.isMisspelled(text)))

API Changed: webContents.getZoomLevel and webContents.getZoomFactor are now synchronous

webContents.getZoomLevel and webContents.getZoomFactor no longer take callback parameters, instead directly returning their number values.

// Deprecated
webContents.getZoomLevel((level) => {
// Replace with
const level = webContents.getZoomLevel()
// Deprecated
webContents.getZoomFactor((factor) => {
// Replace with
const factor = webContents.getZoomFactor()

Запланированные критические изменения API (4.0)

Следующий список включает в себя критические изменения API, сделанные в Electron 4.0.


// Deprecated
app.makeSingleInstance((argv, cwd) => {
/* ... */
// Replace with
app.on('second-instance', (event, argv, cwd) => {
/* ... */


// Устарело
// Заменят на


// Теперь ведет себя так же, как `basic` на macOS


При создании нативных модулей для Windows, переменная win_delay_load_hook в binding.gyp модуля должна быть true (это значение по умолчанию). Если этот хук отсутствует, тогда нативный модуль на Windows неудачно загрузится, с сообщением об ошибке, например Cannot find module. See the native module guide for more.

Removed: IA32 Linux support

Electron 18 will no longer run on 32-bit Linux systems. See discontinuing support for 32-bit Linux for more information.

Критические изменения API (3.0)

Данный список включает в себя критические изменения в API для Electron 3.0.


// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
const metrics = app.getAppMetrics()
const { memory } = metrics[0] // свойство устарело


// Deprecated
const optionsA = { webPreferences: { blinkFeatures: '' } }
const windowA = new BrowserWindow(optionsA)
// Replace with
const optionsB = { webPreferences: { enableBlinkFeatures: '' } }
const windowB = new BrowserWindow(optionsB)

// Deprecated
window.on('app-command', (e, cmd) => {
if (cmd === 'media-play_pause') {
// do something
// Replace with
window.on('app-command', (e, cmd) => {
if (cmd === 'media-play-pause') {
// do something


// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на


// Устарело
companyName: 'Crashly',
submitURL: 'https://crash.server.com',
autoSubmit: true
// Заменено на
companyName: 'Crashly',
submitURL: 'https://crash.server.com',
uploadToServer: true


// Устарело
nativeImage.createFromBuffer(buffer, 1.0)
// Заменено на
nativeImage.createFromBuffer(buffer, {
scaleFactor: 1.0


// Устарело
const info = process.getProcessMemoryInfo()


// Устарело
// Заменено на


// Устарело
ses.setCertificateVerifyProc((hostname, certificate, callback) => {
// Заменено на
ses.setCertificateVerifyProc((request, callback) => {


// Устарело
// Заменено на

// Устарело
// Заменено на


// Устарело
webContents.openDevTools({ detach: true })
// Заменено на
webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach' })

// Удалено
// Нет замены для этого метода


// Устарело
// Заменено на
protocol.registerStandardSchemes(['app'], { secure: true })

// Устарело
webFrame.registerURLSchemeAsPrivileged('app', { secure: true })
// Заменено на
protocol.registerStandardSchemes(['app'], { secure: true })


// Удалено
webview.setAttribute('disableguestresize', '')
// Нет замены для этого метода

// Удалено
webview.setAttribute('guestinstance', instanceId)
// Нет замены для этого метода

// Слушатели клавиатуры больше не работают в webview теге
webview.onkeydown&nbsp;= () => { /* обработчик */ }
webview.onkeyup&nbsp;= () => { /* обработчик */ }

URL заголовков Node

Это URL, указанный как disturl в файле .npmrc или как --dist-url флаг командной строки, при сборке нативных модулей Node.

Устарело: https://atom.io/download/atom-shell

Заменено на: https://atom.io/download/electron

Критические изменения API (2.0)

Следующий список включает в себя критические изменения API, сделанные в Electron 2.0.


// Deprecated
const optionsA = { titleBarStyle: 'hidden-inset' }
const windowA = new BrowserWindow(optionsA)
// Replace with
const optionsB = { titleBarStyle: 'hiddenInset' }
const windowB = new BrowserWindow(optionsB)
// Удалено
menu.popup(browserWindow, 100, 200, 2)
// Заменено на
menu.popup(browserWindow, { x: 100, y: 200, positioningItem: 2 })


// Удалено
// Заменено на

// Удалено
// Заменено на


  • process.versions.electron и process.version.chrome будут доступны только для чтения, для согласованности с другими свойствами process.versions, установленными в Node.


// Удалено
webContents.setZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)
// Заменено на
webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)


// Удалено
webFrame.setZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)
// Заменено на
webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)


// Удалено
webview.setZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)
// Заменено на
webview.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 2)

Дублированные ARM ресурсы

Каждый выпуск Electron включает в себя две идентичные сборки ARM с немного разными именами файлов, такие как electron-v1.7.3-linux-arm.zip и electron-v1.7.3-linux-armv7l.zip. Ресурс с префиксом v7l был добавлен, чтобы уточнить для пользователей, какую версию ARM он поддерживает, и чтобы исключить их в будущих ресурсах armv6l и arm64, которые могут быть произведены.

Файл без префикса по-прежнему публикуется, чтобы избежать нарушения любых настроек, которые могут его использовать. Начиная с версии 2.0, файл без префикса более не будет публиковаться.

Для подробностей см. 6986 и 7189.