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40 постов с тегом "версия"

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Electron 32.0.0

· 4 мин. прочитано

Electron 32.0.0 вышел! It includes upgrades to Chromium 128.0.6613.36, V8 12.8, and Node 20.16.0.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 32.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • Added new API version history in our documentation, a feature created by @piotrpdev as part of Google Summer of Code. You can learn more about it in this blog post. #42982
  • Removed nonstandard File.path extension from the Web File API. #42053
  • Aligned failure pathway in Web File System API with upstream when attempting to open a file or directory in a blocked path. #42993
  • Added the following existing navigation-related APIs to webcontents.navigationHistory: canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, canGoToOffset, goToOffset, clear. The previous navigation APIs are now deprecated. #41752

Stack Changes

Electron 32 upgrades Chromium from 126.0.6478.36 to 128.0.6613.36, Node from 20.14.0 to 20.16.0, and V8 from 12.6 to 12.8.

New Features

  • Added support for responding to auth requests initiated from the utility process via the app module's 'login' event. #43317
  • Added the cumulativeCPUUsage property to the CPUUsage structure, which returns the total seconds of CPU time used since process startup. #41819
  • Added the following existing navigation related APIs to webContents.navigationHistory: canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, canGoToOffset, goToOffset, clear. #41752
  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing webContents objects. #42086
  • Added a new property prefersReducedTransparency to nativeTheme, which indicates whether the user has chosen to reduce OS-level transparency via system accessibility settings. #43137
  • Aligned failure pathway in File System Access API with upstream when attempting to open a file or directory in a blocked path. #42993
  • Enabled the Windows Control Overlay API on Linux. #42681
  • Enabled zstd compression in network requests. #43300

Критические изменения

Removed: File.path

The nonstandard path property of the Web File object was added in an early version of Electron as a convenience method for working with native files when doing everything in the renderer was more common. However, it represents a deviation from the standard and poses a minor security risk as well, so beginning in Electron 32.0 it has been removed in favor of the webUtils.getPathForFile method.

// Before (renderer)
const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]');
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${file.path}`);
// After (renderer)
const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]');

// After (preload)
const { contextBridge, webUtils } = require('electron');

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
showFilePath(file) {
// It's best not to expose the full file path to the web content if
// possible.
const path = webUtils.getPathForFile(file);
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${path}`);

Deprecated: clearHistory, canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, goToIndex, canGoToOffset, goToOffset on WebContents

Navigation-related APIs on WebContents instances are now deprecated. These APIs have been moved to the navigationHistory property of WebContents to provide a more structured and intuitive interface for managing navigation history.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

End of Support for 29.x.y

Electron 29.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E32 (Aug'24)E33 (Oct'24)E34 (Jan'25)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 31.0.0

· 3 мин. прочитано

Electron 31.0.0 вышел! It includes upgrades to Chromium 126.0.6478.36, V8 12.6, and Node 20.14.0.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 31.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing webContents object. #42319
  • Added support for NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS. #41689
  • Updated window.flashFrame(bool) to flash continuously on macOS. #41391
  • Removed WebSQL support #41868
  • nativeImage.toDataURL will preserve PNG colorspace #41610
  • Extended webContents.setWindowOpenHandler to support manual creation of BrowserWindow. #41432

Stack Changes

Electron 31 upgrades Chromium from 124.0.6367.49 to 126.0.6478.36, Node from 20.11.1 to 20.14.0, and V8 from 12.4 to 12.6.

New Features

  • Added clearData method to Session. #40983
    • Added options parameter to Session.clearData API. #41355
  • Added support for Bluetooth ports being requested by service class ID in navigator.serial. #41638
  • Added support for Node's NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable. #41689
  • Extended webContents.setWindowOpenHandler to support manual creation of BrowserWindow. #41432
  • Implemented support for the web standard File System API. #41419
  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing WebContents instances. #42319
  • Added a new instance property navigationHistory on webContents API with navigationHistory.getEntryAtIndex method, enabling applications to retrieve the URL and title of any navigation entry within the browsing history. #41577 (Also in 29, 30)

Критические изменения

Removed: WebSQL support

Chromium has removed support for WebSQL upstream, transitioning it to Android only. See Chromium's intent to remove discussion for more information.

Behavior Changed: nativeImage.toDataURL will preseve PNG colorspace

PNG decoder implementation has been changed to preserve colorspace data. The encoded data returned from this function now matches it.

See crbug.com/332584706 for more information.

Behavior Changed: win.flashFrame(bool) will flash dock icon continuously on macOS

This brings the behavior to parity with Windows and Linux. Prior behavior: The first flashFrame(true) bounces the dock icon only once (using the NSInformationalRequest level) and flashFrame(false) does nothing. New behavior: Flash continuously until flashFrame(false) is called. This uses the NSCriticalRequest level instead. To explicitly use NSInformationalRequest to cause a single dock icon bounce, it is still possible to use dock.bounce('informational').

Окончание поддержки версии 28.x.y

Electron 28.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E31 (Jun'24)E32 (Aug'24)E33 (Oct'24)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 30.0.0

· 4 мин. прочитано

Electron 30.0.0 вышел! It includes upgrades to Chromium 124.0.6367.49, V8 12.4, and Node.js 20.11.1.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 30.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • ASAR Integrity fuse now supported on Windows (#40504)
    • Existing apps with ASAR Integrity enabled may not work on Windows if not configured correctly. Apps using Electron packaging tools should upgrade to @electron/packager@18.3.1 or @electron/forge@7.4.0.
    • Take a look at our ASAR Integrity tutorial for more information.
  • Added WebContentsView and BaseWindow main process modules, deprecating & replacing BrowserView (#35658)
    • BrowserView is now a shim over WebContentsView and the old implementation has been removed.
    • See our Web Embeds documentation for a comparison of the new WebContentsView API to other similar APIs.
  • Implemented support for the File System API (#41827)

Stack Changes

Electron 30 upgrades Chromium from 122.0.6261.39 to 124.0.6367.49, Node from 20.9.0 to 20.11.1, and V8 from 12.2 to 12.4.

New Features

  • Added a transparent webpreference to webviews. (#40301)
  • Added a new instance property navigationHistory on webContents API with navigationHistory.getEntryAtIndex method, enabling applications to retrieve the URL and title of any navigation entry within the browsing history. (#41662)
  • Added new BrowserWindow.isOccluded() method to allow apps to check occlusion status. (#38982)
  • Added proxy configuring support for requests made with the net module from the utility process. (#41417)
  • Added support for Bluetooth ports being requested by service class ID in navigator.serial. (#41734)
  • Added support for the Node.js NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS CLI flag. (#41822)

Критические изменения

Behavior Changed: cross-origin iframes now use Permission Policy to access features

Cross-origin iframes must now specify features available to a given iframe via the allow attribute in order to access them.

See documentation for more information.

Removed: The --disable-color-correct-rendering command line switch

This switch was never formally documented but its removal is being noted here regardless. Chromium itself now has better support for color spaces so this flag should not be needed.

Behavior Changed: BrowserView.setAutoResize behavior on macOS

In Electron 30, BrowserView is now a wrapper around the new WebContentsView API.

Previously, the setAutoResize function of the BrowserView API was backed by autoresizing on macOS, and by a custom algorithm on Windows and Linux. For simple use cases such as making a BrowserView fill the entire window, the behavior of these two approaches was identical. However, in more advanced cases, BrowserViews would be autoresized differently on macOS than they would be on other platforms, as the custom resizing algorithm for Windows and Linux did not perfectly match the behavior of macOS's autoresizing API. The autoresizing behavior is now standardized across all platforms.

If your app uses BrowserView.setAutoResize to do anything more complex than making a BrowserView fill the entire window, it's likely you already had custom logic in place to handle this difference in behavior on macOS. If so, that logic will no longer be needed in Electron 30 as autoresizing behavior is consistent.

Removed: params.inputFormType property on context-menu on WebContents

The inputFormType property of the params object in the context-menu event from WebContents has been removed. Use the new formControlType property instead.

Removed: process.getIOCounters()

Chromium has removed access to this information.

Окончание поддержки версии 27.x.y

Electron 27.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E30 (Apr'24)E31 (Jun'24)E32 (Aug'24)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 29.0.0

· 4 мин. прочитано

Electron 29.0.0 вышел! It includes upgrades to Chromium 122.0.6261.39, V8 12.2, and Node.js 20.9.0.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 29.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • Added a new top-level webUtils module, a renderer process module that provides a utility layer to interact with Web API objects. The first available API in the module is webUtils.getPathForFile. Electron's previous File.path augmentation was a deviation from web standards; this new API is more in line with current web standards behavior.

Stack Changes

Electron 29 upgrades Chromium from 120.0.6099.56 to 122.0.6261.39, Node from 18.18.2 to 20.9.0, and V8 from 12.0 to 12.2.

New Features

  • Added new webUtils module, a utility layer to interact with Web API objects, to replace File.path augmentation. #38776
  • Added net module to utility process. #40890
  • Added a new Electron Fuse, grantFileProtocolExtraPrivileges, that opts the file:// protocol into more secure and restrictive behaviour that matches Chromium. #40372
  • Added an option in protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged to allow V8 code cache in custom schemes. #40544
  • Migrated app.{set|get}LoginItemSettings(settings) to use Apple's new recommended underlying framework on macOS 13.0+. #37244

Критические изменения

Behavior Changed: ipcRenderer can no longer be sent over the contextBridge

Attempting to send the entire ipcRenderer module as an object over the contextBridge will now result in an empty object on the receiving side of the bridge. This change was made to remove / mitigate a security footgun. You should not directly expose ipcRenderer or its methods over the bridge. Instead, provide a safe wrapper like below:

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('app', {
onEvent: (cb) => ipcRenderer.on('foo', (e, ...args) => cb(args)),

Removed: renderer-process-crashed event on app

The renderer-process-crashed event on app has been removed. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
app.on('renderer-process-crashed', (event, webContents, killed) => {
/* ... */

// Replace with
app.on('render-process-gone', (event, webContents, details) => {
/* ... */

Removed: crashed event on WebContents and <webview>

The crashed events on WebContents and <webview> have been removed. Use the new render-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
win.webContents.on('crashed', (event, killed) => {
/* ... */
webview.addEventListener('crashed', (event) => {
/* ... */

// Replace with
win.webContents.on('render-process-gone', (event, details) => {
/* ... */
webview.addEventListener('render-process-gone', (event) => {
/* ... */

Removed: gpu-process-crashed event on app

The gpu-process-crashed event on app has been removed. Use the new child-process-gone event instead.

// Removed
app.on('gpu-process-crashed', (event, killed) => {
/* ... */

// Replace with
app.on('child-process-gone', (event, details) => {
/* ... */

Окончание поддержки версии 26.x.y

Electron 26.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E29 (Feb'24)E30 (Apr'24)E31 (Jun'24)

Что дальше

Did you know that Electron recently added a community Request for Comments (RFC) process? If you want to add a feature to the framework, RFCs can be a useful tool to start a dialogue with maintainers on its design. You can also see upcoming changes being discussed in the Pull Requests. To learn more, check out our Introducing electron/rfcs blog post, or check out the README of the electron/rfcs repository directly.

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 28.0.0

· 3 мин. прочитано

Electron 28.0.0 вышел! It includes upgrades to Chromium 120.0.6099.56, V8 12.0, and Node.js 18.18.2.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 28.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • Implemented support for ECMAScript modules or ESM (What are ECMAScript modules? learn more here. This includes support for ESM in Electron proper, as well as areas such as the UtilityProcess API entrypoints. See our ESM documentation for more details.
  • In addition to enabling ESM support in Electron itself, Electron Forge also supports using ESM to package, build and develop Electron applications. You can find this support in Forge v7.0.0 or higher.

Stack Changes

New Features

  • Enabled ESM support. #37535
  • Added ESM entrypoints to the UtilityProcess API. #40047
  • Added several properties to the display object including detected, maximumCursorSize, and nativeOrigin. #40554
  • Added support for ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT environment variable on Linux. #39792

Критические изменения

Behavior Changed: WebContents.backgroundThrottling set to false affects all WebContents in the host BrowserWindow

WebContents.backgroundThrottling set to false will disable frames throttling in the BrowserWindow for all WebContents displayed by it.

Removed: BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position)

BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position) has been removed, the BrowserWindow.setWindowButtonPosition(position) API should be used instead which accepts null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } to reset the position to system default.

// Removed in Electron 28
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 });
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 });

// Replace with
win.setWindowButtonPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 });

Removed: BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition()

BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition() has been removed, the BrowserWindow.getWindowButtonPosition() API should be used instead which returns null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } when there is no custom position.

// Removed in Electron 28
const pos = win.getTrafficLightPosition();
if (pos.x === 0 && pos.y === 0) {
// No custom position.

// Replace with
const ret = win.getWindowButtonPosition();
if (ret === null) {
// No custom position.

Removed: ipcRenderer.sendTo()

The ipcRenderer.sendTo() API has been removed. It should be replaced by setting up a MessageChannel between the renderers.

The senderId and senderIsMainFrame properties of IpcRendererEvent have been removed as well.

Removed: app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation

The app.runningUnderRosettaTranslation property has been removed. Use app.runningUnderARM64Translation instead.

// Removed
// Replace with

Окончание поддержки версии 25.x.y

Electron 25.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E28 (Dec'23)E29 (Feb'24)E30 (Apr'24)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 27.0.0

· 3 мин. прочитано

Electron 27.0.0 вышел! Он включает обновления Chromium 118.0.5993.32, V8 11.8 и Node.js 18.17.1.

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 27.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes

Stack Changes

Критические изменения

Removed: macOS 10.13 / 10.14 support

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and macOS 10.14 (Mojave) are no longer supported by Chromium.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on these operating systems, but macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later will be required to run Electron v27.0.0 and higher.

Устарело: ipcRenderer.sendTo()

The ipcRenderer.sendTo() API has been deprecated. It should be replaced by setting up a MessageChannel between the renderers.

The senderId and senderIsMainFrame properties of IpcRendererEvent have been deprecated as well.

Removed: color scheme events in systemPreferences

The following systemPreferences events have been removed:

  • inverted-color-scheme-changed
  • high-contrast-color-scheme-changed

Use the new updated event on the nativeTheme module instead.

// Removed
systemPreferences.on('inverted-color-scheme-changed', () => {
/* ... */
systemPreferences.on('high-contrast-color-scheme-changed', () => {
/* ... */

// Replace with
nativeTheme.on('updated', () => {
/* ... */

Удален: webContents.getPrinters

The webContents.getPrinters method has been removed. Используйте вместо него webContents.getPrintersAsync.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false });

// Removed
// Replace with
w.webContents.getPrintersAsync().then((printers) => {

Removed: systemPreferences.{get,set}AppLevelAppearance and systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance

The systemPreferences.getAppLevelAppearance and systemPreferences.setAppLevelAppearance methods have been removed, as well as the systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance property. Вместо этого используйте модуль nativeTheme.

// Removed
// Replace with

// Removed
// Replace with

// Removed
// Replace with
nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark';

Removed: alternate-selected-control-text value for systemPreferences.getColor

The alternate-selected-control-text value for systemPreferences.getColor has been removed. Вместо него используйте selected-content-background.

// Removed
// Replace with

New Features

  • Added app accessibility transparency settings api #39631
  • Added support for chrome.scripting extension APIs #39675
  • Enabled WaylandWindowDecorations by default #39644

Окончание поддержки версии 24.x.y

Поддержка Electron 24.x.y подошла к концу в соответствии с политикой поддержки. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E27 (Oct'23)E28 (Dec'23)E29 (Feb'24)

End of Extended Support for 22.x.y

Earlier this year, the Electron team extended Electron 22's planned end of life date from May 30, 2023 to October 10, 2023, in order to match Chrome's extended support for Windows 7/8/8.1 (see Farewell, Windows 7/8/8.1 for more details).

Electron 22.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy and this support extension. This will drop support back to the latest three stable major versions, and will end official support for Windows 7/8/8.1.

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 26.0.0

· 2 мин. прочитано

Electron 26.0.0 вышел! Он включает обновления Chromium 116.0.5845.62, V8 11.2 и Node.js 18.16.1. Read below for more details!

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 26.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes

Stack Changes

Критические изменения

Устарело: webContents.getPrinters

Метод webContents.getPrinters устарел. Используйте вместо него webContents.getPrintersAsync.

const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false });

// Устарел
// Замените на
w.webContents.getPrintersAsync().then((printers) => {

Устарело: systemPreferences.{get,set}AppLevelAppearance и systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance

Методы systemPreferences.getAppLevelAppearance и systemPreferences.setAppLevelAppearance устарели, так же как и свойство systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance. Вместо этого используйте модуль nativeTheme.

// Устарело
// Замените на

// Устарело
// Замените на

// Устарело
// Замените на
nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark';

Устарело: значение alternate-selected-control-text для systemPreferences.getColor

Значение alternate-selected-control-text для systemPreferences.getColor устарело. Вместо него используйте selected-content-background.

// Устарело
// Замените на

New Features

  • Добавлены safeStorage.setUsePlainTextEncryption и safeStorage.getSelectedStorageBackend api. #39107
  • Добавлены safeStorage.setUsePlainTextEncryption и safeStorage.getSelectedStorageBackend api. #39155
  • Добавлено senderIsMainFrame для сообщений, отправленных с помощью ipcRenderer.sendTo(). #39206
  • Добавлена поддержка пометки о том, что Меню вызвано нажатием на клавиатуру. #38954

Окончание поддержки версии 23.x.y

Поддержка Electron 23.x.y подошла к концу в соответствии с политикой поддержки. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E26 (Aug'23)E27 (Oct'23)E28 (Янв'24)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 25.0.0

· 5 мин. прочитано

Electron 25.0.0 вышел! Он включает обновления Chromium 114, V8 11.4 и Node.js 18.15.0. Read below for more details!

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 25.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes


  • Implemented net.fetch within Electron's net module, using Chromium's networking stack. This differs from Node's fetch(), which uses Node.js' HTTP stack. See #36733 and #36606.
  • Added protocol.handle, which replaces and deprecates protocol.{register,intercept}{String,Buffer,Stream,Http,File}Protocol. #36674
  • Extended support for Electron 22, in order to match Chromium and Microsoft's Windows 7/8/8.1 deprecation plan. See additional details at the end of this blog post.

Stack Changes

Критические изменения

Obsoleto: protocol.{register,intercept}{Buffer,String,Stream,File,Http}Protocol

The protocol.register*Protocol and protocol.intercept*Protocol methods have been replaced with protocol.handle.

The new method can either register a new protocol or intercept an existing protocol, and responses can be of any type.

// Deprecated in Electron 25
protocol.registerBufferProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ mimeType: 'text/html', data: Buffer.from('<h5>Response</h5>') });

// Replace with
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return new Response(
Buffer.from('<h5>Response</h5>'), // Could also be a string or ReadableStream.
{ headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' } }
// Deprecated in Electron 25
protocol.registerHttpProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ url: 'https://electronjs.org' });

// Replace with
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return net.fetch('https://electronjs.org');
// Deprecated in Electron 25
protocol.registerFileProtocol('some-protocol', () => {
callback({ filePath: '/path/to/my/file' });

// Replace with
protocol.handle('some-protocol', () => {
return net.fetch('file:///path/to/my/file');

Obsoleto: BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position)

BrowserWindow.setTrafficLightPosition(position) has been deprecated, the BrowserWindow.setWindowButtonPosition(position) API should be used instead which accepts null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } to reset the position to system default.

// Deprecated in Electron 25
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 });
win.setTrafficLightPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 });

// Replace with
win.setWindowButtonPosition({ x: 10, y: 10 });

Obsoleto: BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition()

BrowserWindow.getTrafficLightPosition() has been deprecated, the BrowserWindow.getWindowButtonPosition() API should be used instead which returns null instead of { x: 0, y: 0 } when there is no custom position.

// Deprecated in Electron 25
const pos = win.getTrafficLightPosition();
if (pos.x === 0 && pos.y === 0) {
// No custom position.

// Replace with
const ret = win.getWindowButtonPosition();
if (ret === null) {
// No custom position.

New Features

  • Added net.fetch(). #36733
    • net.fetch supports requests to file: URLs and custom protocols registered with protocol.register*Protocol. #36606
  • Added BrowserWindow.set/getWindowButtonPosition APIs. #37094
  • Added protocol.handle, replacing and deprecating protocol.{register,intercept}{String,Buffer,Stream,Http,File}Protocol. #36674
  • Added a will-frame-navigate event to webContents and the <webview> tag, which fires whenever any frame within the frame hierarchy attempts to navigate. #34418
  • Added initiator information to navigator events. This information allows distinguishing window.open from a parent frame causing a navigation, as opposed to a child-initiated navigation. #37085
  • Added net.resolveHost that resolves hosts using defaultSession object. #38152
  • Added new 'did-resign-active' event to app. #38018
  • Added several standard page size options to webContents.print(). #37159
  • Added the enableLocalEcho flag to the session handler ses.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler() callback for allowing remote audio input to be echoed in the local output stream when audio is a WebFrameMain. #37315
  • Added thermal management information to powerMonitor. #38028
  • Allows an absolute path to be passed to the session.fromPath() API. #37604
  • Exposes the audio-state-changed event on webContents. #37366

22.x.y Continued Support

As noted in Farewell, Windows 7/8/8.1, Electron 22's (Chromium 108) planned end of life date will be extended from May 30, 2023 to October 10, 2023. The Electron team will continue to backport any security fixes that are part of this program to Electron 22 until October 10, 2023. The October support date follows the extended support dates from both Chromium and Microsoft. On October 11, the Electron team will drop support back to the latest three stable major versions, which will no longer support Windows 7/8/8.1.

E25 (May'23)E26 (Aug'23)E27 (Oct'23)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 24.0.0

· 4 мин. прочитано

Electron 24.0.0 вышел! Он включает обновления Chromium 112.0.5615.49, V8 11.2 и Node.js 18.14.0. Read below for more details!

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 24.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes

Stack Changes

Критические изменения

Изменения в API: nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(path, size)

The maxSize parameter has been changed to size to reflect that the size passed in will be the size the thumbnail created. Previously, Windows would not scale the image up if it were smaller than maxSize, and macOS would always set the size to maxSize. Behavior is now the same across platforms.

// a 128x128 image.
const imagePath = path.join('path', 'to', 'capybara.png');

// Scaling up a smaller image.
const upSize = { width: 256, height: 256 };
nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(imagePath, upSize).then((result) => {
console.log(result.getSize()); // { width: 256, height: 256 }

// Scaling down a larger image.
const downSize = { width: 64, height: 64 };
nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(imagePath, downSize).then((result) => {
console.log(result.getSize()); // { width: 64, height: 64 }

New Features

  • Added the ability to filter HttpOnly cookies with cookies.get(). #37365
  • Added logUsage to shell.openExternal() options, which allows passing the SEE_MASK_FLAG_LOG_USAGE flag to ShellExecuteEx on Windows. The SEE_MASK_FLAG_LOG_USAGE flag indicates a user initiated launch that enables tracking of frequently used programs and other behaviors. #37291
  • Added types to the webRequest filter, adding the ability to filter the requests you listen to.#37427
  • Added a new devtools-open-url event to webContents to allow developers to open new windows with them. #36774
  • Added several standard page size options to webContents.print(). #37265
  • Added the enableLocalEcho flag to the session handler ses.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler() callback for allowing remote audio input to be echoed in the local output stream when audio is a WebFrameMain. #37528
  • Allow an application-specific username to be passed to inAppPurchase.purchaseProduct(). #35902
  • Exposed window.invalidateShadow() to clear residual visual artifacts on macOS. #32452
  • Whole-program optimization is now enabled by default in electron node headers config file, allowing the compiler to perform opimizations with information from all modules in a program as opposed to a per-module (compiland) basis. #36937
  • SystemPreferences::CanPromptTouchID (macOS) now supports Apple Watch. #36935

End of Support for 21.x.y

Electron 21.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

As noted in Farewell, Windows 7/8/8.1, Electron 22's (Chromium 108) planned end of life date will be extended from May 30, 2023 to October 10, 2023. The Electron team will continue to backport any security fixes that are part of this program to Electron 22 until October 10, 2023.

E24 (Apr'23)E25 (May'23)E26 (Aug'23)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 23.0.0

· 3 мин. прочитано

Electron 23.0.0 вышел! Он включает обновления Chromium 110, V8 11.0 и Node.js 18.12.1. Additionally, support for Windows 7/8/8.1 has been dropped. Read below for more details!

Команда Electron рада объявить о выпуске Electron 23.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Twitter, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes

Stack Changes

New Features

  • Added label property to Display objects. #36933
  • Added an app.getPreferredSystemLanguages() API to return the user's system languages. #36035
  • Added support for the WebUSB API. #36289
  • Added support for SerialPort.forget() as well as a new event serial-port-revoked emitted on Session objects when a given origin is revoked. #35310
  • Added new win.setHiddenInMissionControl API to allow developers to opt out of Mission Control on macOS. #36092

Dropping Windows 7/8/8.1 Support

Electron 23 no longer supports Windows 7/8/8.1. Electron follows the planned Chromium deprecation policy, which will deprecate Windows 7/8/8.1 , as well as Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 support in Chromium 109 (read more here).

Критические изменения в API

Below are breaking changes introduced in Electron 23. You can read more about these changes and future changes on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Removed: BrowserWindow scroll-touch-* events

The deprecated scroll-touch-begin, scroll-touch-end and scroll-touch-edge events on BrowserWindow have been removed. Instead, use the newly available input-event event on WebContents.

// Removed in Electron 23.0
-win.on('scroll-touch-begin', scrollTouchBegin)
-win.on('scroll-touch-edge', scrollTouchEdge)
-win.on('scroll-touch-end', scrollTouchEnd)

// Replace with
+win.webContents.on('input-event', (_, event) => {
+ if (event.type === 'gestureScrollBegin') {
+ scrollTouchBegin()
+ } else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollUpdate') +{
+ scrollTouchEdge()
+ } else if (event.type === 'gestureScrollEnd') {
+ scrollTouchEnd()
+ }

End of Support for 20.x.y

Electron 20.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E22 (Nov'22)E23 (Feb'23)E24 (Apr'23)E25 (May'23)E26 (Aug'23)

Что дальше

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.