Le nouveau site internationalisé d'Electron
Electron a maintenant un nouveau site web sur electronjs.org! Nous avons remplacé notre site statique Jekyll par un serveur Node.js, nous donnant la flexibilité d'internationaliser le site et ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités plus excitantes.
🌍 Traductions
Nous avons entamé le processus d’internationalisation du site avec comme objectif de rendre le développement d’applications Electron accessible mondiallement aux développeurs. Nous utilisons désormais la plateforme de localisation appelée Crowdin qui s'intègre avec GitHub, l’ouverture et la mise à jour des requêtes de tirage automatiquement que le contenu est traduit dans différentes langues.
Bien que nous y ayons jusqu’à présent travaillé tranquillement , plus de 75 membres de la communauté Electron ont déjà découvert le projet organiquement et unis dans l’effort d’internationaliser le site afin de traduire les documents d’Electron en plus de 20 langues. We are seeing daily contributions from people all over the world, with translations for languages like French, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Chinese leading the way.
Pour choisir votre langue et voir la progression de la traduction, visitez electronjs.org/languages
Si vous êtes polyglotte et que vous souhaitez aider à traduire les documents d'Electron et le site Web, visitez le dépôt electron/electron-i18n , ou passez directement à la traduction sur Crowdin, où vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant votre compte GitHub.
There are currently 21 languages enabled for the Electron project on Crowdin. Adding support for more languages is easy, so if you're interested in helping translate but you don't see your language listed, let us know and we'll enable it.
Raw Translated Docs
If you prefer to read documentation in raw markdown files, you can now do that in any language:
git clone https://github.com/electron/electron-i18n
ls electron-i18n/content
App Pages
As of today, any Electron app can easily have its own page on the Electron site. For a few examples, check out Etcher, 1Clipboard, or GraphQL Playground, pictured here on the Japanese version of the site:
There are some incredible Electron apps out there, but they're not always easy to find, and not every developer has the time or resources to build a proper website to market and distribute their app.
Using just a PNG icon file and a small amount of app metadata, we're able to collect a lot of information about a given app. Using data collected from GitHub, app pages can now display screenshots, download links, versions, release notes, and READMEs for every app that has a public repository. Using a color palette extracted from each app's icon, we can produce bold and accessible colors to give each app page some visual distinction.
The apps index page now also has categories and a keyword filter to find interesting apps like GraphQL GUIs and p2p tools.
Si vous avez une application Electron que vous aimeriez voir sur le site, ouvrez une pull request sur le dépôt electron/electron-apps.
One-line Installation with Homebrew
Le gestionnaire de paquets Homebrew pour macOS a une sous-commande appelée cask qui facilite l'installation d'applications de bureau en utilisant une seule commande dans votre terminal, comme brew cask install atom
We've begun collecting Homebrew cask names for popular Electron apps and are now displaying the installation command (for macOS visitors) on every app page that has a cask:
To view all the apps that have homebrew cask names, visit electronjs.org/apps?q=homebrew. If you know of other apps with casks that we haven't indexed yet, please add them!
🌐 Un nouveau domaine
Nous avons déplacé le site de electron.atom.io vers un nouveau domaine : electronjs.org.
The Electron project was born inside Atom, GitHub's open-source text editor built on web technologies. Electron was originally called atom-shell
. Atom was the first app to use it, but it didn't take long for folks to realize that this magical Chromium + Node runtime could be used for all kinds of different applications. When companies like Microsoft and Slack started to make use of atom-shell
, it became clear that the project needed a new name.
And so "Electron" was born. In early 2016, GitHub assembled a new team to focus specifically on Electron development and maintenance, apart from Atom. In the time since, Electron has been adopted by thousands of app developers, and is now depended on by many large companies, many of which have Electron teams of their own.
Soutenir les projets Electron de GitHub comme Atom et GitHub Desktop reste une priorité pour notre équipe, mais en passant à un nouveau domaine, nous espérons contribuer à clarifier la distinction technique entre Atom et Electron.
🐢🚀 Node.js Everywhere
Le site Web précédent d'Electron a été construit avec Jekyll, le générateur de site statique populaire basé sur Ruby. Jekyll is a great tool for building static websites, but the website had started to outgrow it. Nous voulions des capacités plus dynamiques comme des redirections appropriées et un rendu de contenu dynamique, donc un serveur Node.js était le choix évident.
The Electron ecosystem includes projects with components written in many different programming languages, from Python to C++ to Bash. But JavaScript is foundational to Electron, and it's the language used most in our community.
By migrating the website from Ruby to Node.js, we aim to lower the barrier to entry for people wishing to contribute to the website.
⚡️ Easier Open-Source Participation
Si vous avez Node.js (8 ou plus) et git installé sur votre système, vous pouvez facilement faire fonctionner le site localement :
git clone https://github.com/electron/electronjs.org
cd electronjs.org
npm install
npm run dev
The new website is hosted on Heroku. We use deployment pipelines and the Review Apps feature, which automatically creates a running copy of the app for every pull request. This makes it easy for reviewers to view the actual effects of a pull request on a live copy of the site.
🙏 Merci aux contributeurs
We'd like to give special thanks to all the folks around the world who have contributed their own time and energy to help improve Electron. The passion of the open-source community has helped immeasurably in making Electron a success. Merci !