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Electron 35.0.0

· 6 mins de lecture

Electron 35.0.0 est disponible ! Il inclut des mises à jour vers Chromium 134.0.6998.44, V8 13.5, et Node.js `22.14.0.

L’équipe Electron est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Electron 35.0.0 ! Vous pouvez l'installer avec npm via npm install electron@latest ou le télécharger sur notre site web de téléchargement de version. Vous obtiendrez plus de détails sur cette version en lisant ce qui suit.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Bluesky or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Les bogues et les demandes de fonctionnalités peuvent être signalés dans l'[outil de suivi des problèmes] d’Electron (

Changements notables

Scripts de Service Worker Preload pour une prise en charge améliorée des extensions

Originally proposed in RFC #8 by @samuelmaddock, Electron 35 adds the ability to attach a preload script to Service Workers. With Chrome's Manifest V3 Extensions routing a lot of work through extension service workers, this feature fills in a gap in Electron's support for modern Chrome extensions.

When registering a preload script programmatically at the Session level, you can now specifically apply it to Service Worker contexts with the ses.registerPreloadScript(script) API.

Main Process
// Add our preload realm script to the session.
// Our script should only run in service worker preload realms.
type: 'service-worker',
// The absolute path to the script.
script: path.join(__dirname, 'extension-sw-preload.js'),

De plus, l'IPC est maintenant disponible entre les Service Workers et leurs scripts de préchargement via la classe ServiceWorkerMain.ipc. The preload script will still use the ipcRenderer module to communicate with its Service Worker. See the original RFC for more details.

This feature was preceded by many other changes that laid the groundwork for it:

  • #45329 redesigned the Session module's preload APIs to support registering and unregistering individual preload scripts.
  • #45229 added the experimental contextBridge.executeInMainWorld(executionScript) script to evaluate JavaScript in the main world over the context bridge.
  • #45341 added the ServiceWorkerMain class to interact with Service Workers in the main process.

Changements de la Stack

Electron 35 upgrades Chromium from 132.0.6834.83 to 134.0.6998.44, Node from 20.18.1 to 22.14.0, and V8 from 13.2 to 13.5.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Added NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode = false to Info.plist to remove "Scale to fit below built-in camera." from app options. #45357 (Also in v34.1.0)
  • Added ServiceWorkerMain class to interact with service workers in the main process. #45341
    • Added running-status-changed event on ServiceWorkers to indicate when a service worker's running status has changed.
    • Added startWorkerForScope on ServiceWorkers to start a worker that may have been previously stopped.
  • Added experimental contextBridge.executeInMainWorld to safely execute code across world boundaries. #45330
  • Added frame to 'console-message' event. #43617
  • Added query-session-end event and improved session-end events on Windows. #44598
  • Added view.getVisible(). #45409
  • Added webContents.navigationHistory.restore(index, entries) API that allows restoration of navigation history. #45583
  • Added optional animation parameter to BrowserWindow.setVibrancy. #35987
  • Added permission support for document.executeCommand("paste"). #45471 (Also in v34.1.0)
  • Added support for roundedCorners BrowserWindow constructor option on Windows. #45740 (Also in v34.3.0)
  • Added support for service worker preload scripts. #45408
  • Support Portal's globalShortcuts. Electron must be run with --enable-features=GlobalShortcutsPortal in order to have the feature working. #45297

Changements majeurs avec rupture de compatibilité

Removed: isDefault and status properties on PrinterInfo

These properties have been removed from the PrinterInfo object because they have been removed from upstream Chromium.

Deprecated: getFromVersionID on session.serviceWorkers

The session.serviceWorkers.fromVersionID(versionId) API has been deprecated in favor of session.serviceWorkers.getInfoFromVersionID(versionId). This was changed to make it more clear which object is returned with the introduction of the session.serviceWorkers.getWorkerFromVersionID(versionId) API.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

Deprecated: setPreloads, getPreloads on Session

registerPreloadScript, unregisterPreloadScript, and getPreloadScripts are introduced as a replacement for the deprecated methods. These new APIs allow third-party libraries to register preload scripts without replacing existing scripts. Also, the new type option allows for additional preload targets beyond frame.

// Deprecated
session.setPreloads([path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')]);

// Replace with:
type: 'frame',
id: 'app-preload',
filePath: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),

Deprecated: level, message, line, and sourceId arguments in console-message event on WebContents

The console-message event on WebContents has been updated to provide details on the Event argument.

// Deprecated
(event, level, message, line, sourceId) => {},

// Replace with:
({ level, message, lineNumber, sourceId, frame }) => {},

Additionally, level is now a string with possible values of info, warning, error, and debug.

Behavior Changed: urls property of WebRequestFilter.

Previously, an empty urls array was interpreted as including all URLs. To explicitly include all URLs, developers should now use the <all_urls> pattern, which is a designated URL pattern that matches every possible URL. This change clarifies the intent and ensures more predictable behavior.

// Deprecated
const deprecatedFilter = {
urls: [],

// Replace with
const newFilter = {
urls: ['<all_urls>'],

Deprecated: systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()

The systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() function has been deprecated without replacement. It has been always returning true since Electron 23, which only supports Windows 10+, where DWM composition can no longer be disabled.

Fin du support pour 32.x.y

Electron 32.x.y a atteint la limite pour le support conformément à la politique d'assistance du projet. Nous encourageons les développeurs à mettre à jour vers une version plus récente d'Electron et de faire de même avec leurs applications.

E35 (Mar'25)E36 (Apr'25)E37 (Jun'25)

Et maintenant ?

À court terme, vous pouvez compter sur l’équipe pour continuer a se concentrer sur le développement des principaux composants qui composent Electron, notamment Chromium, Node et V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Le Google Summer of Code 2025

· 5 mins de lecture

Electron has once again been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2025! Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development.

For more details about the program, visit Google’s Summer of Code homepage.

About us

Electron is a JavaScript framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies. The core Electron framework is a compiled binary executable built with Chromium and Node.js, and is mostly written in C++.

Outside of the Electron core repository, we also maintain several projects to support the Electron ecosystem, including:

As a GSoC contributor, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with some of Electron’s core contributors on one of many projects under the umbrella.

Before applying

If you aren’t very familiar with Electron, we would recommend you start by reading the documentation and trying out some of the examples in Electron Fiddle.

To learn more about distributing Electron apps, try creating a sample application with Electron Forge:

npm init electron-app@latest my-app

After familiarizing yourself with the code a bit, come join the conversation on the Electron Discord server.


If this is your first time participating in Google Summer of Code or if you’re new to open source in general, we recommend reading Google’s Contributor Guide before engaging with the community.

Project contributions

We encourage you to take a look at any repositories that are relevant to the project ideas you are interested in. One way of doing your research is to make contributions by reporting bugs, triaging existing issues, or submitting pull requests. Doing so is an effective way of getting hands-on practice with our codebases, but is not mandatory for proposal submissions. A well-crafted proposal should be able to demonstrate your understanding of the code without needing to refer to past contributions.

Here are a few tips if you are looking to contribute to Electron before submitting your proposal:

  1. Please provide descriptive issue or PR descriptions when submitting contributions. Regardless of the code itself, putting effort into the written part of a contribution shows us that you can be an effective communicator in a collaborative environment.
  2. PRs are always welcome for open issues. You do not need to comment on an issue asking a maintainer if you can be assigned to it. Note that we still encourage you to discuss potential solutions on an issue if you need to refine an idea for a solution, but comments strictly asking if you can work on something are redundant and add noise to the issue tracker.
  3. Low-effort project contributions (e.g. invalid issue reports, trivial wording changes in a repo README, or minor stylistic changes to front-end code) will negatively impact your final proposal, as they take up limited maintainer time and do not provide any net benefit to the Electron project.
  4. While AI coding assistants can be an effective tool for debugging and understanding new concepts, we highly discourage contributions that are copy/pasted directly from AI-generated output. These often turn out to be of low quality, and it's often more effort for maintainers to clean up code generated from an LLM than for us to just reject a PR altogether.

Crafting your proposal

Interested in collaborating with Electron? First, check out the seven project idea drafts we have prepared. All listed ideas are open for proposals.

If you have a unique idea not on the list, we are open to considering it, but ensure your proposal is detailed and thoroughly outlined. When in doubt, we recommend sticking with our listed ideas.

Votre candidature devra inclure :

  • A detailed proposal outlining what you plan to achieve over the summer.
  • Votre expérience en tant que développeur. If you have a resume, please include a copy. Otherwise, tell us about your past technical experience.
    • Lack of experience in certain areas won’t disqualify you, but it will help our mentors work out a plan to best support you and make sure your summer project is successful.

A detailed guide of what to submit as part of your Electron application is here. Submit proposals directly to the Google Summer of Code portal. Proposals emailed to the Electron team will not be considered as final submissions.

For more guidance on your proposal, we recommend you follow the official Google Summer of Code proposal writing advice here.

Applications open on March 24th, 2025 and close on April 8th, 2025.

Past project proposals

📚 For GSoC 2024, @piotrpdev, worked on adding API History to the Electron core documentation. To see what Piotr worked on during his summer with Electron, read his report in the 2024 GSoC program archives.

🔐 For GSoC 2022, @aryanshridhar worked on enabling Context Isolation in Electron Fiddle. If you want to see what Aryan worked on during his summer with Electron, you can read his report in the 2022 GSoC program archives.


If you have questions we didn’t address in this blog post or inquiries about your proposal draft, please send us an email at or check the GSoC FAQ. Please read our contributor guidance before emailing.


Electron 34.0.0

· 4 mins de lecture

Electron 34.0.0 est disponible ! It includes upgrades to Chromium 132.0.6834.83, V8 13.2, and Node 20.18.1.

L’équipe Electron est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Electron 34.0.0 ! Vous pouvez l'installer avec npm via npm install electron@latest ou le télécharger sur notre site web de téléchargement de version. Vous obtiendrez plus de détails sur cette version en lisant ce qui suit.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Bluesky or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Les bogues et les demandes de fonctionnalités peuvent être signalés dans l'[outil de suivi des problèmes] d’Electron (

Changements notables

HTTP Compression Shared Dictionary Management APIs

HTTP compression allows data to be compressed by a web server before being received by the browser. Modern versions of Chromium support Brotli and Zstandard, which are newer compression algorithms that perform better for text files than older schemes such as gzip.

Custom shared dictionaries further improve the efficiency of Brotli and Zstandard compression. See the Chrome for Developers blog on shared dictionaries for more information.

@felixrieseberg added the following APIs in #44950 to manage shared dictionaries at the Session level:

  • session.getSharedDictionaryUsageInfo()
  • session.getSharedDictionaryInfo(options)
  • session.clearSharedDictionaryCache()
  • session.clearSharedDictionaryCacheForIsolationKey(options)

Unresponsive Renderer JavaScript Call Stacks

Electron's unresponsive event occurs whenever a renderer process hangs for an excessive period of time. The new WebFrameMain.collectJavaScriptCallStack() API added by @samuelmaddock in #44204 allows you to collect the JavaScript call stack from the associated WebFrameMain object (webContnets.mainFrame).

This API can be useful to determine why the frame is unresponsive in cases where there's long-running JavaScript events causing the process to hang. For more information, see the proposed web standard Crash Reporting API.

Main Process
const { app } = require('electron');


app.on('web-contents-created', (_, webContents) => {
webContents.on('unresponsive', async () => {
// Interrupt execution and collect call stack from unresponsive renderer
const callStack = await webContents.mainFrame.collectJavaScriptCallStack();
console.log('Renderer unresponsive\n', callStack);

This API requires the 'Document-Policy': 'include-js-call-stacks-in-crash-reports' header to be enabled. See #45356 for more details.

Changements de la Stack

Electron 34 upgrades Chromium from 130.0.6723.44 to 132.0.6834.83, Node from 20.18.0 to 20.18.1, and V8 from 13.0 to 13.2.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Added APIs to manage shared dictionaries for compression efficiency using Brotli or ZStandard. The new APIs are session.getSharedDictionaryUsageInfo(), session.getSharedDictionaryInfo(options), session.clearSharedDictionaryCache(), and session.clearSharedDictionaryCacheForIsolationKey(options). #44950
  • Added WebFrameMain.collectJavaScriptCallStack() for accessing the JavaScript call stack of unresponsive renderers. #44938
  • Added WebFrameMain.detached for frames in an unloading state.
    • Added WebFrameMain.isDestroyed() to determine if a frame has been destroyed.
    • Fixed webFrameMain.fromId(processId, frameId) returning a WebFrameMain instance which doesn't match the given parameters when the frame is unloading. #43473
  • Ajout d'un événement d'erreur dans le processus utilitaire pour supporter les rapports de diagnostic sur les erreurs fatales V8. #43774
  • Feat: GPU accelerated shared texture offscreen rendering. #42953

Changements majeurs avec rupture de compatibilité

Behavior Changed: menu bar will be hidden during fullscreen on Windows

This brings the behavior to parity with Linux. Prior behavior: Menu bar is still visible during fullscreen on Windows. New behavior: Menu bar is hidden during fullscreen on Windows.

Correction: This was previously listed as a breaking change in Electron 33, but was first released in Electron 34.

Fin du support pour 31.x.y

Electron 31.x.y a atteint la limite pour le support conformément à la politique d'assistance du projet. Nous encourageons les développeurs à mettre à jour vers une version plus récente d'Electron et de faire de même avec leurs applications.

E34 (Jan'25)E35 (Apr'25)E36 (Jun'25)

Et maintenant ?

À court terme, vous pouvez compter sur l’équipe pour continuer a se concentrer sur le développement des principaux composants qui composent Electron, notamment Chromium, Node et V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Evolution de notre écosystème vers le Node 22

· 2 mins de lecture

Au début de l'année 2025, le repos de l'écosystème npm d'Electron (sous les espaces de noms @electron/ et @electron-forge/) passera à Node.js 22 pour la version minimale supportée.

Qu’est-ce que ça signifie ?

Dans le passé, les paquets dans l'écosystème npm d'Electron (Forge, Packager, etc) ont pris en charge les versions de Node aussi longtemps que possible, même une fois qu'une version a atteint sa date de fin de vie (EOL) . Ceci pour s'assurer que nous ne fragmentons pas l'écosystème - nous comprenons bien que de nombreux projets dépendent des anciennes versions de Node, et nous ne voulons pas risquer de bloquer ces projets à moins qu’il y ait une raison pressante de les améliorer.

Avec le temps, l'utilisation de Node.js 14 comme notre version minimale est devenue de plus en plus difficile pour quelques raisons :

  • Le manque de versions officielles de Node.js 14 pour macOS ARM64 nous oblige à maintenir des solutions d'infrastructure de CI pour fournir une couverture de test complète.
  • engines requirements for upstream package dependencies have moved forward, making it increasingly difficult to resolve supply chain security issues with dependency bumps.

Additionally, newer versions of Node.js have included many improvements that we would like to leverage, such as runtime-native common utilities (e.g. fs.glob and util.parseArgs) and entire new batteries-included modules (e.g. node:test, node:sqlite).

Pourquoi mettre à niveau maintenant ?

In July 2024, Electron’s Ecosystem Working Group decided to upgrade all packages to the earliest Node version where require()of synchronous ESM graphs will be supported (see nodejs/node#51977 and nodejs/node#53500) at a future point after that version reaches its LTS date.

Nous avons décidé d'effectuer cette de mise à jour en Janvier/Février 2025. Après cette mise à jour, Node 22 sera la version minimale supportée dans les paquets écosystèmes existants.

Quelles mesures devrais-je prendre ?

Nous nous efforcerons de maintenir la compatibilité autant que possible. Cependant, pour assurer le meilleur support possible, nous vous encourageons à mettre à jour vos applications vers Node 22 ou plus.

Notez que la version de Node exécutée dans votre projet n'est pas liée à la version de Node embarquée dans votre version actuelle d'Electron.

Et pour la suite

N'hésitez pas à nous joindre sur]( si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations. Vous pouvez également obtenir le support de la communauté sur notre Discord Electron.

Mois du silence de décembre (déc. 24)

· 2 mins de lecture

Le projet Electron fera une pause pour le mois de décembre 2024 et reviendra gonflé à bloc en janvier 2025.


Ce qui ne changera pas en Décembre

  1. Les versions zero-day et autres versions majeures liées à la sécurité seront publiées si nécessaire. Les incidents de sécurité doivent être signalés via
  2. Les rapports du Code de conduite et la modération se poursuivront normalement.

Ce qui sera différent en Décembre

  1. Les dernières versions de la branche stable de l'année 2024, dont Electron 31, 32 et 33, auront lieu la semaine du 1er décembre. Il n'y aura pas de nouvelles sorties prévues en décembre.
  2. Pas de sorties Nightly et Alpha pour les deux dernières semaines de décembre.
  3. À quelques exceptions près, il n'y aura pas de ré-éxamen de pull request ni de merge.
  4. Aucune mise à jour de suivi de tickets sur aucun dépôt.
  5. Aucune aide de débogage de la part des mainteneurs sur Discord.
  6. Aucune mise à jour du contenu des réseaux sociaux.

On se revoit en 2025!

Migrating from BrowserView to WebContentsView

· 3 mins de lecture

BrowserView has been deprecated since Electron 30 and is replaced by WebContentView. Thankfully, migrating is fairly painless.

Electron is moving from BrowserView to WebContentsView to align with Chromium’s UI framework, the Views API. WebContentsView offers a reusable view directly tied to Chromium’s rendering pipeline, simplifying future upgrades and opening up the possibility for developers to integrate non-web UI elements to their Electron apps. By adopting WebContentsView, applications are not only prepared for upcoming updates but also benefit from reduced code complexity and fewer potential bugs in the long run.

Developers familiar with BrowserWindows and BrowserViews should note that BrowserWindow and WebContentsView are subclasses inheriting from the BaseWindow and View base classes, respectively. To fully understand the available instance variables and methods, be sure to consult the documentation for these base classes.

Migration steps

1. Upgrade Electron to 30.0.0 or higher


Electron releases may contain breaking changes that affect your application. It’s a good idea to test and land the Electron upgrade on your app first before proceeding with the rest of this migration. A list of breaking changes for each Electron major version can be found here as well as in the release notes for each major version on the Electron Blog.

2. Familiarize yourself with where your application uses BrowserViews

One way to do this is to search your codebase for new BrowserView(. This should give you a sense for how your application is using BrowserViews and how many call sites need to be migrated.


For the most part, each instance where your app instantiates new BrowserViews can be migrated in isolation from the others.

3. Migrate each usage of BrowserView

  1. Migrate the instantiation. This should be fairly straightforward because WebContentsView and BrowserView’s constructors have essentially the same shape. Both accept WebPreferences via the webPreferences param.

    - this.tabBar = new BrowserView({
    + this.tabBar = new WebContentsView({

    By default, WebContentsView instantiates with a white background, while BrowserView instantiates with a transparent background. To get a transparent background in WebContentsView, set its background color to an RGBA hex value with an alpha (opaqueness) channel set to 00:

    + this.webContentsView.setBackgroundColor("#00000000");
  2. Migrate where the BrowserView gets added to its parent window.

    - this.browserWindow.addBrowserView(this.tabBar)
    + this.browserWindow.contentView.addChildView(this.tabBar);
  3. Migrate BrowserView instance method calls on the parent window.

    Old MethodNew MethodRemarques
    win.setBrowserViewwin.contentView.removeChildView + win.contentView.addChildView
    win.setTopBrowserViewwin.contentView.addChildViewCalling addChildView on an existing view reorders it to the top.
  4. Migrate the setAutoResize instance method to a resize listener.

    - this.browserView.setAutoResize({
    - vertical: true,
    - })

    + this.browserWindow.on('resize', () => {
    + if (!this.browserWindow || !this.webContentsView) {
    + return;
    + }
    + const bounds = this.browserWindow.getBounds();
    + this.webContentsView.setBounds({
    + x: 0,
    + y: 0,
    + width: bounds.width,
    + height: bounds.height,
    + });
    + });

    All existing usage of browserView.webContents and instance methods browserView.setBounds, browserView.getBounds , and browserView.setBackgroundColor do not need to be migrated and should work with a WebContentsView instance out of the box!

4) Test and commit your changes

Running into issues? Check the WebContentsView tag on Electron's issue tracker to see if the issue you're encountering has been reported. If you don't see your issue there, feel free to add a new bug report. Including testcase gists will help us better triage your issue!

Congrats, you’ve migrated onto WebContentsViews! 🎉

Electron 33.0.0

· 4 mins de lecture

Electron 33.0.0 est disponible ! It includes upgrades to Chromium 130.0.6723.44, V8 13.0, and Node 20.18.0.

L’équipe Electron est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Electron 33.0.0 ! Vous pouvez l'installer avec npm via npm install electron@latest ou le télécharger sur notre site web de téléchargement de version. Vous obtiendrez plus de détails sur cette version en lisant ce qui suit.

Si vous avez des commentaires, veuillez les partager avec nous sur [Twitter] ( ou Mastodon, ou joignez-vous à notre communauté [Discord] (! Les bogues et les demandes de fonctionnalités peuvent être signalés dans l'[outil de suivi des problèmes] d’Electron (

Changements notables

Points clés

  • Ajout d'un gestionnaire, app.setClientCertRequestPasswordHandler(handler), pour faciliter le déverrouillage des périphériques cryptographiques quand un code PIN est nécessaire. #41205
  • Extended navigationHistory API with 2 new functions for better history management. #42014
  • Improved native theme transparency checking. #42862

Changements de la Stack

Electron 33 upgrades Chromium from 128.0.6613.36 to 130.0.6723.44, Node from 20.16.0 to 20.18.0, and V8 from 12.8 to 13.0.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Ajout d'un gestionnaire, app.setClientCertRequestPasswordHandler(handler), pour faciliter le déverrouillage des périphériques cryptographiques quand un code PIN est nécessaire. #41205
  • Ajout d'un événement d'erreur dans le processus utilitaire pour supporter les rapports de diagnostic sur les erreurs fatales V8. #43997
  • Ajout de View.setBorderRadius(radius) pour personnaliser le rayon de bordure des vues, pour être compatible avec WebContentsView. #42320
  • Extended navigationHistory API with 2 new functions for better history management. #42014

Changements majeurs avec rupture de compatibilité

Removed: macOS 10.15 support

macOS 10.15 (Catalina) is no longer supported by Chromium.

Older versions of Electron will continue to run on Catalina, but macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later will be required to run Electron v33.0.0 and higher.

Behavior Changed: Native modules now require C++20

Due to changes made upstream, both V8 and Node.js now require C++20 as a minimum version. Les développeurs qui utilisent des modules natifs de node devraient compiler leurs modules avec --std=c++20 plutôt que --std=c++17. Les images utilisant gcc9 ou inférieur peuvent avoir besoin de se mettre à jour vers gcc10 pour compiler. See #43555 for more details.

Behavior Changed: custom protocol URL handling on Windows

Due to changes made in Chromium to support Non-Special Scheme URLs, custom protocol URLs that use Windows file paths will no longer work correctly with the deprecated protocol.registerFileProtocol and the baseURLForDataURL property on BrowserWindow.loadURL, WebContents.loadURL, and <webview>.loadURL. protocol.handle will also not work with these types of URLs but this is not a change since it has always worked that way.

// No longer works
protocol.registerFileProtocol('other', () => {
callback({ filePath: '/path/to/my/file' });

const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow();
'data:text/html,<script src="loaded-from-dataurl.js"></script>',
{ baseURLForDataURL: 'other://C:\\myapp' },

// Replace with
const path = require('node:path');
const nodeUrl = require('node:url');
protocol.handle(other, (req) => {
const srcPath = 'C:\\myapp\\';
const reqURL = new URL(req.url);
return net.fetch(
nodeUrl.pathToFileURL(path.join(srcPath, reqURL.pathname)).toString(),

'data:text/html,<script src="loaded-from-dataurl.js"></script>',
{ baseURLForDataURL: 'other://' },

Comportement modifié : propriété webContents sur login sur app

The webContents property in the login event from app will be null when the event is triggered for requests from the utility process created with respondToAuthRequestsFromMainProcess option.

Deprecated: textured option in BrowserWindowConstructorOption.type

The textured option of type in BrowserWindowConstructorOptions has been deprecated with no replacement. This option relied on the NSWindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground style mask on macOS, which has been deprecated with no alternative.

Deprecated: systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency

The systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency property is now deprecated in favor of the new nativeTheme.prefersReducedTransparency, which provides identical information and works cross-platform.

// Deprecated
const shouldReduceTransparency =

// Replace with:
const prefersReducedTransparency = nativeTheme.prefersReducedTransparency;

Fin du support pour 30.x.y

Electron 30.x.y a atteint la limite pour le support conformément à la politique d'assistance du projet. Nous encourageons les développeurs à mettre à jour vers une version plus récente d'Electron et de faire de même avec leurs applications.

E33 (Oct'24)E34 (Jan'25)E35 (Apr'25)

Et maintenant ?

À court terme, vous pouvez compter sur l’équipe pour continuer a se concentrer sur le développement des principaux composants qui composent Electron, notamment Chromium, Node et V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Introduction à l'historique de l'API (GSoC 2024)

· 7 mins de lecture

L'historique des changements des différentes API Electron sera maintenant détaillé dans la documentation.

Bonjour 👋, je suis Peter, le contributeur Electron pour le Google Summer of Code (GSoC).

Over the course of the GSoC program, I implemented an API history feature for the Electron documentation and its functions, classes, etc. in a similar fashion to the Node.js documentation: by allowing the use of a simple but powerful YAML schema in the API documentation Markdown files and displaying it nicely on the Electron documentation website.

Electron 32.0.0

· 4 mins de lecture

Electron 32.0.0 est disponible ! It includes upgrades to Chromium 128.0.6613.36, V8 12.8, and Node 20.16.0.

L’équipe Electron est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Electron 32.0.0 ! Vous pouvez l'installer avec npm via npm install electron@latest ou le télécharger sur notre site web de téléchargement de version. Vous obtiendrez plus de détails sur cette version en lisant ce qui suit.

Si vous avez des commentaires, veuillez les partager avec nous sur [Twitter] ( ou Mastodon, ou joignez-vous à notre communauté [Discord] (! Les bogues et les demandes de fonctionnalités peuvent être signalés dans l'[outil de suivi des problèmes] d’Electron (

Changements notables

Points clés

  • Added new API version history in our documentation, a feature created by @piotrpdev as part of Google Summer of Code. You can learn more about it in this blog post. #42982
  • Removed nonstandard File.path extension from the Web File API. #42053
  • Aligned failure pathway in Web File System API with upstream when attempting to open a file or directory in a blocked path. #42993
  • Added the following existing navigation-related APIs to webcontents.navigationHistory: canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, canGoToOffset, goToOffset, clear. The previous navigation APIs are now deprecated. #41752

Changements de la Stack

Electron 32 upgrades Chromium from 126.0.6478.36 to 128.0.6613.36, Node from 20.14.0 to 20.16.0, and V8 from 12.6 to 12.8.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Added support for responding to auth requests initiated from the utility process via the app module's 'login' event. #43317
  • Added the cumulativeCPUUsage property to the CPUUsage structure, which returns the total seconds of CPU time used since process startup. #41819
  • Added the following existing navigation related APIs to webContents.navigationHistory: canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, canGoToOffset, goToOffset, clear. #41752
  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing webContents objects. #42086
  • Added a new property prefersReducedTransparency to nativeTheme, which indicates whether the user has chosen to reduce OS-level transparency via system accessibility settings. #43137
  • Aligned failure pathway in File System Access API with upstream when attempting to open a file or directory in a blocked path. #42993
  • Enabled the Windows Control Overlay API on Linux. #42681
  • Enabled zstd compression in network requests. #43300

Changements majeurs avec rupture de compatibilité

Removed: File.path

The nonstandard path property of the Web File object was added in an early version of Electron as a convenience method for working with native files when doing everything in the renderer was more common. However, it represents a deviation from the standard and poses a minor security risk as well, so beginning in Electron 32.0 it has been removed in favor of the webUtils.getPathForFile method.

// Before (renderer)
const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]');
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${file.path}`);
// After (renderer)
const file = document.querySelector('input[type=file]');

// After (preload)
const { contextBridge, webUtils } = require('electron');

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
showFilePath(file) {
// It's best not to expose the full file path to the web content if
// possible.
const path = webUtils.getPathForFile(file);
alert(`Uploaded file path was: ${path}`);

Deprecated: clearHistory, canGoBack, goBack, canGoForward, goForward, goToIndex, canGoToOffset, goToOffset on WebContents

Navigation-related APIs on WebContents instances are now deprecated. These APIs have been moved to the navigationHistory property of WebContents to provide a more structured and intuitive interface for managing navigation history.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

Behavior changed: Directory databases in userData will be deleted

If you have a directory called databases in the directory returned by app.getPath('userData'), it will be deleted when Electron 32 is first run. The databases directory was used by WebSQL, which was removed in Electron 31. Chromium now performs a cleanup that deletes this directory. See issue #45396.

End of Support for 29.x.y

Electron 29.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Nous encourageons les développeurs à mettre à jour vers une version plus récente d'Electron et de faire de même avec leurs applications.

E32 (Aug'24)E33 (Oct'24)E34 (Jan'25)

Et maintenant ?

À court terme, vous pouvez compter sur l’équipe pour continuer a se concentrer sur le développement des principaux composants qui composent Electron, notamment Chromium, Node et V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.

Electron 31.0.0

· 3 mins de lecture

Electron 31.0.0 est disponible ! It includes upgrades to Chromium 126.0.6478.36, V8 12.6, and Node 20.14.0.

L’équipe Electron est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Electron 31.0.0 ! Vous pouvez l'installer avec npm via npm install electron@latest ou le télécharger sur notre site web de téléchargement de version. Vous obtiendrez plus de détails sur cette version en lisant ce qui suit.

Si vous avez des commentaires, veuillez les partager avec nous sur [Twitter] ( ou Mastodon, ou joignez-vous à notre communauté [Discord] (! Les bogues et les demandes de fonctionnalités peuvent être signalés dans l'[outil de suivi des problèmes] d’Electron (

Changements notables

Points clés

  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing webContents object. #42319
  • Added support for NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS. #41689
  • Updated window.flashFrame(bool) to flash continuously on macOS. #41391
  • Removed WebSQL support #41868
  • nativeImage.toDataURL will preserve PNG colorspace #41610
  • Extended webContents.setWindowOpenHandler to support manual creation of BrowserWindow. #41432

Changements de la Stack

Electron 31 upgrades Chromium from 124.0.6367.49 to 126.0.6478.36, Node from 20.11.1 to 20.14.0, and V8 from 12.4 to 12.6.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Added clearData method to Session. #40983
    • Added options parameter to Session.clearData API. #41355
  • Added support for Bluetooth ports being requested by service class ID in navigator.serial. #41638
  • Added support for Node's NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable. #41689
  • Extended webContents.setWindowOpenHandler to support manual creation of BrowserWindow. #41432
  • Implemented support for the web standard File System API. #41419
  • Extended WebContentsView to accept pre-existing WebContents instances. #42319
  • Added a new instance property navigationHistory on webContents API with navigationHistory.getEntryAtIndex method, enabling applications to retrieve the URL and title of any navigation entry within the browsing history. #41577 (Also in 29, 30)

Changements majeurs avec rupture de compatibilité

Removed: WebSQL support

Chromium has removed support for WebSQL upstream, transitioning it to Android only. See Chromium's intent to remove discussion for more information.

Behavior Changed: nativeImage.toDataURL will preseve PNG colorspace

PNG decoder implementation has been changed to preserve colorspace data. The encoded data returned from this function now matches it.

See for more information.

Behavior Changed: win.flashFrame(bool) will flash dock icon continuously on macOS

This brings the behavior to parity with Windows and Linux. Prior behavior: The first flashFrame(true) bounces the dock icon only once (using the NSInformationalRequest level) and flashFrame(false) does nothing. New behavior: Flash continuously until flashFrame(false) is called. This uses the NSCriticalRequest level instead. To explicitly use NSInformationalRequest to cause a single dock icon bounce, it is still possible to use dock.bounce('informational').

Fin du support pour 28.x.y

Electron 28.x.y a atteint la limite pour le support conformément à la politique d'assistance du projet. Nous encourageons les développeurs à mettre à jour vers une version plus récente d'Electron et de faire de même avec leurs applications.

E31 (Jun'24)E32 (Aug'24)E33 (Oct'24)

Et maintenant ?

À court terme, vous pouvez compter sur l’équipe pour continuer a se concentrer sur le développement des principaux composants qui composent Electron, notamment Chromium, Node et V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.