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Clase: Historial de Navegación

Clase: Historial de Navegación

Administrar una lista de entradas de navegación, representando el historial de navegación del usuario dentro de la aplicación.

Process: Main
This class is not exported from the 'electron' module. Sólo está disponible como un valor de retorno de otros métodos en la API de Electron.

Each NavigationEntry corresponds to a specific visited page. The indexing system follows a sequential order, where the entry for the earliest visited page is at index 0 and the entry for the most recent visited page is at index N.

Some APIs in this class also accept an offset, which is an integer representing the relative position of an index from the current entry according to the above indexing system (i.e. an offset value of 1 would represent going forward in history by one page).

Maintaining this ordered list of navigation entries enables seamless navigation both backward and forward through the user's browsing history.

Métodos de Instancia

Returns boolean - Whether the browser can go back to previous web page.

Returns boolean - Whether the browser can go forward to next web page.

  • offset Integer

Returns boolean - Whether the web page can go to the specified relative offset from the current entry.

Borra el historial de navegación.

Devuelve Integer - El índice de la página actual, desde la cual volveríamos/adelante o recargar.

  • índice Entero

Returns NavigationEntry - Navigation entry at the given index.

Si el índice está fuera de límites (mayor que la longitud de la historia o menor que 0), se devolverá nulo.

Hace que el navegador regrese a una página web.

Hace que el navegador avance a una página web.

  • índice Entero

Navega al índice de página web absoluta especificado.

  • offset Integer

Navigates to the specified relative offset from the current entry.

Devuelve Integer - Longitud del historial.

  • índice Entero

Removes the navigation entry at the given index. Can't remove entry at the "current active index".

Returns boolean - Whether the navigation entry was removed from the webContents history.

Returns NavigationEntry[] - WebContents complete history.

Restores navigation history and loads the given entry in the in stack. Will make a best effort to restore not just the navigation stack but also the state of the individual pages - for instance including HTML form values or the scroll position. It's recommended to call this API before any navigation entries are created, so ideally before you call loadURL() or loadFile() on the webContents object.

This API allows you to create common flows that aim to restore, recreate, or clone other webContents.

  • options Object
    • entries NavigationEntry[] - Result of a prior getAllEntries() call
    • index Integer (optional) - Index of the stack that should be loaded. If you set it to 0, the webContents will load the first (oldest) entry. If you leave it undefined, Electron will automatically load the last (newest) entry.

Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading the selected navigation entry (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load). Un manejador de rechazo noop ya esta adjunto, el cual evita errores de rechazo no controlados.