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API Changes Coming in Electron 1.0

· 4 lectura mínima

Since the beginning of Electron, starting way back when it used to be called Atom-Shell, we have been experimenting with providing a nice cross-platform JavaScript API for Chromium's content module and native GUI components. The APIs started very organically, and over time we have made several changes to improve the initial designs.

Now with Electron gearing up for a 1.0 release, we'd like to take the opportunity for change by addressing the last niggling API details. The changes described below are included in 0.35.x, with the old APIs reporting deprecation warnings so you can get up to date for the future 1.0 release. An Electron 1.0 won't be out for a few months so you have some time before these changes become breaking.

Deprecation warnings

By default, warnings will show if you are using deprecated APIs. To turn them off you can set process.noDeprecation to true. To track the sources of deprecated API usages, you can set process.throwDeprecation to true to throw exceptions instead of printing warnings, or set process.traceDeprecation to true to print the traces of the deprecations.

New way of using built-in modules

Los módulos integrados ahora se agrupan en un solo módulo, en lugar de separarse en módulos independientes, así que puedes usarlos sin conflictos con otros módulos:

var app = require('electron').app;
var BrowserWindow = require('electron').BrowserWindow;

The old way of require('app') is still supported for backward compatibility, but you can also turn if off:

require('app'); // throws error.

An easier way to use the remote module

Because of the way using built-in modules has changed, we have made it easier to use main-process-side modules in renderer process. You can now just access remote's attributes to use them:

// New way.
var app = require('electron');
var BrowserWindow = require('electron').remote.BrowserWindow;

Instead of using a long require chain:

// Old way.
var app = require('electron').remote.require('app');
var BrowserWindow = require('electron').remote.require('BrowserWindow');

Splitting the ipc module

The ipc module existed on both the main process and renderer process and the API was different on each side, which is quite confusing for new users. We have renamed the module to ipcMain in the main process, and ipcRenderer in the renderer process to avoid confusion:

// In main process.
var ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain;
// In renderer process.
var ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer;

And for the ipcRenderer module, an extra event object has been added when receiving messages, to match how messages are handled in ipcMain modules:

ipcRenderer.on('message', function (event) {

Standardizing BrowserWindow options

The BrowserWindow options had different styles based on the options of other APIs, and were a bit hard to use in JavaScript because of the - in the names. They are now standardized to the traditional JavaScript names:

new BrowserWindow({ minWidth: 800, minHeight: 600 });

Following DOM's conventions for API names

The API names in Electron used to prefer camelCase for all API names, like Url to URL, but the DOM has its own conventions, and they prefer URL to Url, while using Id instead of ID. We have done the following API renames to match the DOM's styles:

  • Url is renamed to URL
  • Csp is renamed to CSP

You will notice lots of deprecations when using Electron v0.35.0 for your app because of these changes. An easy way to fix them is to replace all instances of Url with URL.

Changes to Tray's event names

The style of Tray event names was a bit different from other modules so a rename has been done to make it match the others.

  • clicked is renamed to click
  • double-clicked is renamed to double-click
  • right-clicked is renamed to right-click

Mac App Store and Windows Auto Updater on Electron

· 2 lectura mínima

Recently Electron added two exciting features: a Mac App Store compatible build and a built-in Windows auto updater.

Mac App Store Support

As of v0.34.0 each Electron release includes a build compatible with the Mac App Store. Previously an application built on Electron would not comply with Apple's requirements for the Mac App Store. Most of these requirements are related to the use of private APIs. In order to sandbox Electron in such a way that it complies with the requirements two modules needed to be removed:

  • crash-reporter
  • auto-updater

Additionally some behaviors have changed with respect to detecting DNS changes, video capture and accessibility features. You can read more about the changes and submitting your app to the Mac App store in the documentation. The distributions can be found on the Electron releases page, prefixed with mas-.

Related Pull Requests: electron/electron#3108, electron/electron#2920

Windows Auto Updater

In Electron v0.34.1 the auto-updater module was improved in order to work with Squirrel.Windows. This means that Electron ships with easy ways for auto updating your app on both OS X and Windows. You can read more on setting up your app for auto updating on Windows in the documentation.

Related Pull Request: electron/electron#1984

Novedades en Electrón

· 2 lectura mínima

Ha habido algunas actualizaciones interesantes y charlas dadas recientemente en Electron, aquí hay un resumen.


Electron está actualizado con Chrome 45 a partir v0.32.0. Otras actualizaciones incluyen...

Mejor Documentación

nuevos documentos

Hemos reestructurado y estandarizado la documentación para que luzca y se lea mejor. Además hay traducciones de la documentación aportadas por la comunidad, como el japonés y el coreano.

Pull requests relacionados: electron/electron#2028, electron/electron#2533, electron/electron#2557, electron/electron#2709, electron/electron#2725, electron/electron#2698, electron/electron#2649.

Node.js 4.1.0

Desde v0.33.0 Electron viene con Node.js 4.1.0.

Pull request relacionado: electron/electron#2817.


Los módulos que dependen de node-pre-gyp ahora pueden ser compilados contra Electron cuando se construye desde la fuente.

Pull request relacionado: mapbox/node-pre-gyp#175.

Soporte ARM

Ahora Electron proporciona compilaciones para Linux en ARMv7. Se ejecuta en plataformas populares como Chromebook y Raspberry Pi 2.

Temas relacionados: atom/libchromiumcontent#138, electron/electron#2094, electron/electron#366.

Ventana sin marco al estilo Yosemite

ventana sin borde

Se ha integrado un parche de @jaanus que, al igual que otras aplicaciones integradas de OS X, permite crear ventanas sin marcos con luces de tráfico del sistema integradas en OS X Yosemite y posteriores.

Pull request relacionado: electron/electron#2776.

Soporte para impresión de Google Summer of Code

Después del Google Summer of Code hemos incorporado parches de @hokein para mejorar el soporte de impresión y agregar la habilidad de imprimir la página en archivos PDF.

Temas relacionados: electron/electron#2677, electron/electron#1935, electron/electron#1532, electron/electron#805, electron/electron#1669, electron/electron#1835.


Atom se ha actualizado ahora a Electron v0.30.6 ejecutando Chrome 44. Una actualización a v0.33.0 está en progreso en atom/atom#8779.


GitHubber Amy Palamountain dio una gran introducción a Electron en una charla en Nordic.js. Además creó la libreria electron-accelerator.

Construir aplicaciones nativas con Electron por Amy Palomountain

Ben Ogle, también en el equipo de Atom, dio una charla de Electron en YAPC Asia:

Crear Aplicaciones de Escritorio con Tecnologías Web por Ben Ogle

El miembro del equipo Atom Kevin Sawicki y otros dieron una charla sobre Electron en la reunión Bay Are Electron User Group recientemente. Los videos han sido publicados, aquí hay un par:

La historia de Electron por Kevin Sawicki

Hacer que una aplicación web parezca nativa por Ben Gotow

Reunión de Electron en las oficinas centrales de GitHub

· Lectura de un minuto

Únete a nosotros el 29 de setiembre en las oficinas centrales de GitHub para una reunión de Electron organizada por los miembros del equipo de Atom @jlord y @kevinsawicki. There will be talks, food to snack on, and time to hangout and meet others doing cool things with Electron. We'll also have a bit of time to do lightning talks for those interested. Hope to see you there!


  • Jonathan Ross and Francois Laberge from Jibo will share how they use Electron to animate a robot.
  • Jessica Lord will talk about building a teaching tool, Git-it, on Electron.
  • Tom Moor will talk about the pros and cons of building video and screen sharing on Electron with
  • Ben Gotow will preview N1: The Nylas Mail Client and talk about developing it on Electron.



Documentación de Electron

· 4 lectura mínima

This week we've given Electron's documentation a home on You can visit /docs/latest for the latest set of docs. We'll keep versions of older docs, too, so you're able to visit /docs/vX.XX.X for the docs that correlate to the version you're using.

You can visit /docs to see what versions are available or /docs/all to see the latest version of docs all on one page (nice for cmd + f searches).

If you'd like to contribute to the docs content, you can do so in the Electron repository, where the docs are fetched from. We fetch them for each minor release and add them to the Electron site repository, which is made with Jekyll.

If you're interested in learning more about how we pull the docs from one repository to another continue reading below. Otherwise, enjoy the docs!

The Technical Bits

We're preserving the documentation within the Electron core repository as is. This means that electron/electron will always have the latest version of the docs. When new versions of Electron are released, we duplicate them over on the Electron website repository, electron/


To fetch the docs we run a script with a command line interface of script/docs vX.XX.X with or without the --latest option (depending on if the version you're importing is the latest version). Our script for fetching docs uses a few interesting Node modules:

Tests help us know that all the bits and pieces landed as expected.


The Electron website is a Jekyll site and we make use of the Collections feature for the docs with a structure like this:
└── _docs
├── latest
├── v0.27.0
├── v0.26.0
├── so on
└── so forth

Texto preliminar

For Jekyll to render each page it needs at least empty front matter. We're going to make use of front matter on all of our pages so while we're streaming out the /docs directory we check to see if a file is the file (in which case it receives one front matter configuration) or if it is any other file with a markdown extension (in which case it receives slightly different front matter).

Each page receives this set of front matter variables:

version: v0.27.0
category: Tutorial
title: 'Quick Start'
source_url: ''

The gets an additional permalink so that has a URL has a common root of index.html rather than an awkward /readme/.

permalink: /docs/v0.27.0/index.html

Config and Redirects

In the site's _config.yml file a variable latest_version is set every time the --latest flag is used when fetching docs. We also add a list of all the versions that have been added to the site as well as the permalink we'd like for the entire docs collection.

latest_version: v0.27.0
- v0.27.0
docs: { output: true, permalink: '/docs/:path/' }

The file in our site root is empty except for this front matter which allows users to see the index (aka README) of the latest version of docs by visiting this URL,, rather than using the latest version number specifically (though you can do that, too).

permalink: /docs/latest/
redirect_to: /docs/{{[0].version }}


In the docs.html layout template we use conditionals to either show or hide information in the header and breadcrumb.

{% raw %} {% if page.category != 'ignore' %}
<h6 class="docs-breadcrumb">
{{ page.version }} / {{ page.category }} {% if page.title != 'README' %} / {{
page.title }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endraw %}

To create a page showing the versions that are available we just loop through the list in our config on a file,, in the site's root. Also we give this page a permalink: /docs/

{% raw %} {% for version in site.available_versions %} - [{{ version
}}](/docs/{{ version }}) {% endfor %} {% endraw %}

Hope you enjoyed these technical bits! If you're interested in more information on using Jekyll for documentation sites, checkout how GitHub's docs team publishes GitHub's docs on Jekyll.

Atom Shell is now Electron

· 2 lectura mínima

Atom Shell is now called Electron. Puedes aprender más sobre Electron y lo que la gente está construyendo con él en su nuevo hogar


Electron es el shell de aplicación multiplataforma que originalmente construimos para el editor Atom para manejar la integración de bucle de eventos Chromium/Node.js y APIs nativas.

Cuando empezamos, nuestro objetivo no era sólo satisfacer las necesidades de un editor de texto. También queríamos crear un marco sencillo que permitiera a la gente utilizar tecnologías web para crear aplicaciones de escritorio multiplataforma con todos los adornos nativos.

En dos años, Electron ha crecido enormemente. Ahora incluye actualizaciones automáticas de aplicaciones, instaladores de Windows, informes de fallos, notificaciones y otras útiles funciones de aplicaciones nativas—, todo ello expuesto a través de API de JavaScript. Y tenemos más en proyecto. Tenemos previsto extraer aún más bibliotecas de Atom para que crear una aplicación nativa con tecnologías web sea lo más fácil posible.

Hasta ahora, desarrolladores individuales, empresas emergentes y grandes compañías han creado aplicaciones con Electron. Han creado una gran variedad de aplicaciones—, como aplicaciones de chat, exploradores de bases de datos, diseñadores de mapas, herramientas de diseño colaborativo y aplicaciones de prototipado móvil.

Echa un vistazo a la nueva para ver más de las aplicaciones que la gente ha construido en Electron o echa un vistazo a los documentos para aprender más acerca de qué más se puede hacer.

Si ya has empezado, nos encantaría charlar contigo sobre las aplicaciones que estás creando en Electron. Envíanos un correo electrónico a para contarnos más cosas. También puedes seguir la nueva cuenta de Twitter @ElectronJS para mantenerte conectado con el proyecto.

💙 🔌