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Register for and receive notifications from remote push notification services

For example, when registering for push notifications via Apple push notification services (APNS):

const { pushNotifications, Notification } = require('electron')

pushNotifications.registerForAPNSNotifications().then((token) => {
// forward token to your remote notification server

pushNotifications.on('received-apns-notification', (event, userInfo) => {
// generate a new Notification object with the relevant userInfo fields


Das pushNotification Modul sendet folgende Ereignisse aus:

Event: 'received-apns-notification' macOS

Kehrt zurück:

  • event Event
  • userInfo Record<String, any>

Emitted when the app receives a remote notification while running. See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplicationdelegate/1428430-application?language=objc


Das Modul pushNotification verfügt über die folgenden Methoden:

pushNotifications.registerForAPNSNotifications() macOS

Gibt das Promise<string> zurück

Registers the app with Apple Push Notification service (APNS) to receive Badge, Sound, and Alert notifications. If registration is successful, the promise will be resolved with the APNS device token. Otherwise, the promise will be rejected with an error message. See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplication/1428476-registerforremotenotificationtyp?language=objc

pushNotifications.unregisterForAPNSNotifications() macOS

Unregisters the app from notifications received from APNS.

Apps unregistered through this method can always reregister.

See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplication/1428747-unregisterforremotenotifications?language=objc