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Electron App Feedback Programm

· Die Lesezeit beträgt 3 min

Electron is working on making its release cycles faster and more stable. To make that possible, we've started the App Feedback Program for large-scale Electron apps to test our beta releases and report app-specific issues to us. This helps us to prioritize work that will get applications upgraded to our next stable release sooner.

Edit (2020-05-21): This program has been retired.

Who can join?

Our criteria and expectations for apps joining this program include the following items:

  • Test your app during the beta period for 10,000+ user-hours
  • Have a single point-person who will check in weekly to discuss your app's Electron bugs and app blockers
  • You agree to abide by Electron's Code of Conduct
  • You are willing to share the following information listed in the next question

What info does my Electron app have to share?

  • Total user-hours your app has been running with any beta release
  • Version of Electron that your app is testing with (e.g., 4.0.0-beta.3)
  • Any bugs preventing your application from upgrading to the release line being beta tested


We understand not everyone can share exact user numbers, however better data helps us decide how stable a particular release is. We ask that apps commit to testing a minimum number of user-hours, currently 10,000 across the beta cycle.

  • 10 user-hours could be 10 people testing for one hour, or one person testing for 10 hours
  • Sie können das Testen auf Beta-Versionen aufteilen, zum Beispiel auf 3.0.0-Beta für 5.000 User-Stunden. und dann 5.000 Userstunden auf 3.0.0-beta.5 testen. Mehr ist besser, aber wir verstehen, dass einige Anwendungen nicht jede Beta-Version testen können
  • CI or QA hours do not count towards the total; however, internal releases do count

Why should my Electron app join?

Your app's bugs will be tracked and be on the core Electron team's radar. Your feedback helps the Electron team to see how the new betas are doing and what work needs to be done.

Will my application's info be shared publicly? Who gets to see this info?

No, your application's information will not be shared with the general public. Information is kept in a private GitHub repo that is only viewable to members of the App Feedback Program and Electron Governance. All members have agreed to follow Electron's Code of Conduct.


We are currently accepting a limited number of signups. If you are interested and are able to fulfill the above requirements, please fill out this form.