Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v1.6.8

Bug Fixes

  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where the default app could render incorrectly depending on the path Electron was installed into. #9249
  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where certain built-in window APIs like alert, confirm, open, history.go, and postMessage would throw errors in the main process instead of the renderer processes when the arguments were invalid. #9252
  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where chrome-devtools: URLs would incorrectly override certain window options. #9278
  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where certain valid frame names passed to window.open would throw errors in the main process. #9287
  • Fixed a memory leak in windows that have the sandbox option enabled. #9314
  • Fixed a crash when closing a window from within the callback to certain emitted events. #9113
  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue when using postMessage across windows where the targetOrigin parameter was not correctly compared against the source origin. #9301
  • Fixed a debugger crash that would occur parsing certain protocol messages. #9322
  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where specifying webPreferences in the features parameter to window.open would throw an error in the main process. #9289


  • Fixed an issue where the Error emitted on autoUpdater error events would be missing the message and stack properties when serialized to JSON or sent over IPC. #9255

API Changes

  • The module search path used by require is now set to the application root for non-file: URLs such as about:blank. #9095
  • [SECURITY] The javascript option is now disabled in windows opened from a window that already has it disabled, similar to the nodeIntegration option. #9250


  • sheet-begin and sheet-end events are now emitted by BrowserWindow instances when dialog sheets are presented/dismissed. #9108


  • A session-end event is now emitted by BrowserWindow instances when the OS session is ending. #9254

Release Notes for v1.6.7

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where app.exit() did not close all open windows. #9133


  • Fixed an issue where setting scrollBounce to true did not enable it. #9134
  • Fixed a missing warning icon when calling dialog.showMessageBox. #9187


  • Fixed an issue where frameless windows would overflow the screen boundaries when maximized. #9167
  • Fixed a crash after performing text selections using touch gestures. #9204
  • Removed the unused xinput1_3.dll from the distribution. #9157
  • Back-ported an upstream Chrome fix for non-client area scaling when the screen DPI changes on Windows 10. #9219

API Changes

  • Added an experimental BrowserView class that is an alternative to the <webview> tag. #9166
  • Added a flushStore(callback) API to the Cookies module that writes any unwritten cookie data to disk. #9194


  • Added an iconPosition property to TouchBarButton items to change the icon position. #9208


  • Added support for notifications on Windows 7. #9168
  • Enabled per-monitor DPI awareness in the app manifest. #8786